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家用电器DAPPER 全球首个专业胡子直发器

2020-11-04  5660

如果该公司不是那么低调的性别歧视者,那就来看看Aberlite Pro,这是Dyson期望的真正创新的男性美容产品。 Aberlite Pro的离子除毛技术可将数小时的胡须修饰时间缩短为几分钟,该技术可消除胡须的不整洁并立即将其抚平,为您提供匀称的绅士鬃毛,使您在Zoom会议上显得不可思议,或者不需要戴口罩的时候。是的,戴森男人也有修饰的需求。

Meet the Aberlite Pro, a truly innovative male-grooming product you’d expect from Dyson, if the company weren’t so low-key sexist. The Aberlite Pro compresses hours of beard-grooming into mere minutes, with its ionic de-frizzing technology that can take an untidy beard and smoothen it up in no time, giving you a gentlemanly mane that’s shapely, and makes you look incredible on Zoom meetings, or when you don’t have to wear that face-mask. Yes, Dyson. Men have grooming needs too.

胡须上的头发几乎是头上生长的头发的三倍……这意味着它的处理难度要高出三倍。快速洗发和梳理下来可以将头发固定在您的头上,而保养和梳理胡须则更加耗时且仪式化。您需要修剪,定型,调理和上胡蜡,以使这些头发保持齐整(我本人是胡须男人,对此充满信心)。 Aberlite Pro专为管理下颌骨周围的鬃毛而设计,是一款精巧的梳状设备,结合了PTC加热和负离子调理技术来平滑胡须。您需要做的就是插入电源,设置适当的加热设置,然后梳理。刷子的手柄中内置有一个离子发生器,可在上下滑动刷子时在胡发上涂负离子,并涂有防静电涂层。离子会立即使头发纠缠,排列成一条线,并固定分叉末端,使胡须看起来更规则。防静电涂层可防止修饰的头发在数小时内散开。离子帮助塑造胡须的形状时,刷齿周围的加热线圈会向头发施加恒定的温度,从而有助于拉直头发并使其更长。线圈放置在牙齿的根部,使热量远离皮肤,而每个刷齿尖端的耐热帽也可以防止皮肤也感觉到来自刷毛的热量。 Aberlite Pro拥有多达8种加热设置供您选择(取决于胡须的不规则程度),在最低设置下,刷子甚至可以作用在您的头上,使您可以快速有效地修饰头发。因为床头是真实的,大流行只会使床头变得更糟。

The hair on your beard is nearly thrice as thick as the hair growing on your head… which means it’s 3x more difficult to manage. While a quick shampoo and comb-down can fix the hair on your head, maintaining and grooming a beard is much more time-consuming and ritualistic. You need to trim, tone, condition, and wax your beard to keep those hairs in line (I say this with utmost confidence as a beard-man myself). Designed to manage that mane around your mandible, the Aberlite Pro is a nifty, comb-shaped device that uses a combination of PTC heating and negative-ionic conditioning technology to smooth that beard. All you need to do is plug it in, set the appropriate heat setting, and comb away. The handle of the brush has an ionizer built into it, coating your beard-hair with negative ions and an anti-static coating as you run the brush up and down. The ions instantly detangle your hair, get them in line, and fix split-ends to make your beard look regular. The anti-static coating prevents the groomed hair from fraying apart for hours. While the ions help get your beard in shape, heat coils around the brush-teeth apply a consistent temperature to your hair, helping straighten them and making them longer. The coils are placed at the base of the teeth, keeping the heat far from your skin, while heat-resistant caps on the tip of each brush tooth prevent your skin from feeling the heat from the brush too. The Aberlite Pro comes with as many as 8 heat settings to choose from (depending on how unruly your beard is), and at its lowest setting, the brush even works on your head, allowing you to effectively style your hair in a swift motion… because bed-heads are real and the pandemic has only made them worse.

所有这些技术(以及出色的自动关闭功能)都适合手持,便携式以及真正的普通刷大小的产品。 Aberlite Pro专为处理各种胡须而设计,只需挥手即可轻松完美修饰自己,节省您的时间和精力(因为谁真的有动力坐下来涂抹乳霜,碳粉和蜡质)和金钱(从长远来看)。其安全,便携式的设计使其易于携带,并且加热+电离程序应在您需要再次使用该设备之前为您的胡须整理几天,而且Aberlite Pro本月开始发货,这使您有足够的时间来获取在11月“非剃须”开始之前,您会把手一把手。过一会儿,我会感谢我。

All that technology (along with a nifty auto-shutoff feature) fits right into a product that’s hand-held, portable, and literally the size of a regular brush. Designed to work on all sorts of beards, the Aberlite Pro makes it easy to perfectly groom yourself with a mere wave of your hand, saving you time and energy (because who really has the motivation to sit and apply creams, toners, and waxes anymore) and money in the long run too. Its safe, portable design makes it easy to travel with, and that heat + ionization routine should keep your beard groomed for days before you need to use the device again… Plus the Aberlite Pro begins shipping this month, which gives you enough time to get your hands on one before No-Shave November kicks in. You’ll thank me later.


Dominic Montante


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