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交通工具旅行必备之选 -- 具有独特功能的电动滑板车

2020-10-30  7291


Versatile, stylish yet sleek, scooters are often hailed as the solution to current traffic woes! Add to this the updated electric scooters and we have, literally, a solution to our energy problems. For scooters to be taken seriously as an alternative and planet-friendly mode of transport, they need to shine above their current status of high-tech toys and be seen as actual problem solvers. We bring you our curated collection of scooter designs that showcase powerful designs packaged as this humble two-wheeler that are sure to convert you to the two-wheeler sides!

Carota Design设计的电动踏板车的设计看起来几乎像是2017年宝马的Concept Link的后继车,使用的是类似的CMF,但外形更小,更轻,更窄。磨砂金属面板看上去很像宝马的剧本,而挡风玻璃周围的橙色点缀则为电动踏板车提供了所需的色彩。电动踏板车的前部带有镶板,遮盖了骑手的腿,这是踏板车设计的标志,而电动机和电池似乎位于后轮前部的空间中。 Carota的设计具有一个悬臂座椅,该座椅可减少靴子存储空间,但左侧设有一个环,可将头盔固定到位。座椅自然地变成了E踏板车的尾灯,从尾部和侧面都可以看到弧线般细的弧线。另一方面,前灯以侧光照明的形式出现在前面。

Designed to look almost like the successor to BMW’s Concept Link from 2017, the e-scooter by Carota Design uses a similar CMF, but with leaner, lighter, and narrower forms. The matte-finish metal panels look distinctly like something from BMW’s playbook, while those orange accents around the windscreen give the e-scooter the pop of color it needs. The E-scooter’s front comes with paneling that conceals the rider’s legs, pretty emblematic of scooter designs, while the motor and battery seem to reside in the space in front of the rear wheel. Carota’s design features a cantilever seat that cuts down on the boot-storage but provides a loop on the left to secure your helmet in place. The seat naturally transforms into the E-scooters taillight, which forms a razor-thin arc that’s visible from the back as well as the sides. The headlights, on the other hand, are present in the form of edge-lit details on the front.

Mightyseed创建了Vespa 98 –一种概念性的电动踏板车,可满足当今世界的需求。 Vespa既保持了复古的美感,又保持了现代感。 “我们相信,回顾历史将为未来提供更多见识。 Vespa 98电动概念版本是原始设计的转世。这个设计概念更像是现代化身,具有流畅的造型提示和精简的功能。”设计团队说。与原始款相比,这款电动滑板车具有更大胆的外观,并具有诸如手柄之类的现代设计细节。挡泥板仍然像原来的踏板车一样放置,但是现在它代替了LED大灯。一个主要区别是,这种单座踏板车使用置于后端的激光雷达传感器来通知驾驶员,而不是配备后视镜。

Mightyseed has created Vespa 98 – a conceptual electric scooter that fits with the needs of today’s world. Vespa is known to have kept it’s retro aesthetic while still being modern. “We believe looking back to history will give more insight into the future. The Vespa 98 electric concept version is a reincarnation of the original design. The concept is much more like a modern incarnation with sleek styling cues with streamlining features,” says the design team. This electric scooter showcases a bolder look compared to the original one with modern design details like the handles. The mudguard is still placed like it was in the original scooter but now it holds the LED headlight instead. One major difference is this single-seat scooter uses lidar sensors placed at the rear end to notify the rider instead of having rearview mirrors.

这是Stator,这是一种自平衡,完全电动的机器,是直到现在您都不知道想要的机器的绝对怪物!定子的后轮内部装有Direct Drive 3相电刷DC,最大输出功率为1000W,能够以最高25mph的速度将其推向路面! Stator的裸露美学表达了其设计师Nathan Allen对简单设计和工程的热情;电机,电池和内部零件都隐藏在看不见的地方,把手上只有一根管子,不起眼的控制模块位于该处,并且没有浮华的,未来派的造型特征。

This is Stator, the self-balancing, fully electric, an absolute monster of a machine that you never knew you wanted, until now! Housed within Stator’s rear wheel is a Direct Drive 3 Phase Brush DC, which provides a max power of 1000W and is capable of propelling it down the road at speeds of up to 25mph! Stator’s bare-bone aesthetic expresses its designer’s, Nathan Allen’s, passion for both simple design and engineering; the motor, batteries, and inner-workings are hidden away out of sight, a single piece of tubing forms the handlebars where the inconspicuous control module is located and there is an absence of flashy, futuristic styling features.

Pocket Rocket不会将电子和机械的每一部分都封装成创新的倒三角形形状,虽然没有运动自行车那么严肃,但为什么要这样呢?由Manuel Messmer设计并由SOL Motors设计的Pocket Rocket整洁,紧凑且经过深思熟虑。它达到了自行车和摩托车之间的甜蜜点,即所谓的电动自行车美学,而最小的车架可能只是标志性的(我只是有点担心V的底端有些低,但是在城市道路上,口袋火箭应该做得很好)。我也逐渐喜欢上了Pocket Rocket这个名字,尽管它显然具有一些暗示性含义。

Housing every bit of electronics and machinery into its innovative inverted triangle shape, the Pocket Rocket doesn’t have the serious demeanor of a sports bike, but why should it, right? Designed by Manuel Messmer and engineered by SOL Motors, the Pocket Rocket is clean, compact, and well thought through. It hits that sweet spot between bicycles and motorbikes known as the e-bike aesthetic, and the minimal frame could just be iconic (I’m only a slight bit concerned about the base of the V being a little low, but on city roads, the Pocket Rocket should do fine). I’ve also grown to love the name Pocket Rocket, although it obviously has some suggestive connotations.

阿瑟姆·斯米尔诺夫(Artem Smirnov)对下一代Vespa的想法肯定引起了人们的注意。看起来似乎不像我们今天在路上看到的Vespa,但是公平地讲,今天的汽车看起来不像1920年代的样子,因此真正辩称下一代Vespa看起来完全不同似乎是徒劳的。但是,它确实包含了一些要素,可以回答我在上一段中提出的问题。 Artem的下一代Vespa显然是一款电动踏板车。有趣的是,它采用了电动自行车的形式,但仍然保留了踏板车设计出名的空心腿部空间-后悬架将其封盖。座椅大部分是悬臂式的,直接靠在后部的悬架上,而前排的Vespa徽标在品牌塑造以及车辆前照灯中起着双重作用。

Artem Smirnov’s idea of the next-gen Vespa surely raises some eyebrows. It looks nothing like the Vespa we see on the road today, but in all fairness, cars today look nothing like they did in the 1920s, so it seems futile to really argue that the next-gen Vespa looks radically different. It, however, does capture a few elements that answer the questions I raised in my previous paragraph. The next-gen Vespa by Artem is clearly an e-scooter. Interestingly enough though, it comes in the format of an e-bike, but still retains that hollow leg-space that scooter designs are famous for – with a rear suspension capping it off. The seat, for the most part, is cantilever, resting directly on the suspension at the back, while the Vespa logo on the front plays a double role of branding as well as being the vehicle’s headlight.

Carota的Classic E-bike是一项形式试验,将精益设计引入了一系列以其稀薄性而闻名的自行车。从侧面看电动自行车,您会发现它与低座巡洋舰的相似之处。弯曲的燃油箱,座椅靠近后轮的位置以及细长的轮廓都具有哈雷戴维森(Harley Davidson)式的外观,通常是响亮的引擎的代名词,让人感觉到它的存在……但这就是经典电动自行车的所在选择与众不同。它选择了更安静的电动传动系统,即V型双胞胎,它位于座椅正下方,由位于燃料箱外形内的电池供电。

Carota’s Classic E-bike is an experiment in form, bringing a lean design to a series of bikes that are not known for their leanness. Look at the e-bike in its side view and you notice its similarities to a low-riding cruiser. The curved fuel-tank, the seat’s proximity to the rear-wheel, and an elongated silhouette, all take on a Harley Davidson-esque appearance that’s often synonymous with a loud engine that makes its presence felt… but that’s where the Classic E-bike chooses to be different. It opts for a more silent electric drivetrain, a V-twin that sits right below the seat, powered by a battery that resides within the fuel-tank form factor.

可能会有一个世界,每个人都会拉着他们的小型电动汽车。 Ekaterina Tiholova秉承这种愿景并满足这样一个世界的需求,设计了她的电动滑板车,说实话……它看起来像是平装的!蒂霍洛娃(Tiholova)的踏板车具有纯黑色的底座,并由两个球形轮支撑。它的金属灰色和哑光黑色外观引人注目,握住手柄的位置闪烁着淡黄色的柠檬黄色,完成了交易。错综复杂的踩踏前轮通向四边形手柄,是滑板车最独特的功能!

There could be a world where everyone will be zipping by on their little electric vehicles. Upholding such a vision in mind, and to meet the needs of such a world, Ekaterina Tiholova designed her version of an electric scooter, and to be honest…it looks like a flat-packed one! Tiholova’s scooter features a plain black base supported by two bulbous wheels. Its metallic grey and matte black looks are eye-catching, with a flash of lime yellow where you hold onto the handle, sealing the deal. The intricately treaded front wheel leads up to a quadrilateral-shaped handle, the scooter’s most unique feature!

戴森(Dyson)启发了许多设计师以适应他们的风格并创造出一些令人惊叹的概念,我们最近最喜欢的戴森(Dyson)Moovo电动踏板车以其标志性的产品设计(线条简洁)为原型。电动踏板车很快将成为城市通勤者的首选运输方式,因为它们环保且比特斯拉更轻便。 Moovo的设计将戴森的时尚,简约的美学与强大的工程技术融合在一起,成为您将为之自豪的高效电动踏板车。车把集成了CPU的工作原理,可让您通过踏板车的显示屏控制踏板车的某些功能,例如折叠车把或可视化旅途数据。屏幕是防反射的,因此您可以在室外的任何光线条件下查看数据。

Dyson has inspired many designers to adapt their style and create some amazing concepts, our recent favorite is the  Dyson Moovo – an electric scooter modeled after their signature product designs featuring clean lines. Electric scooters are soon going to become a preferred mode of transport for city commuters as they are environmentally friendly and easier on the pocket than a Tesla. Moovo’s design incorporates Dyson’s sleek and simplified aesthetics with their powerful engineering into an efficient electric scooter that you would be proud to own. The handlebar integrates the workings of a CPU that lets you control certain features of the scooter through its display like folding the handlebar or visualizing your trip’s data. The screen is anti-reflective so that you can look at the data under any light condition when outside.

从AtherGrid的发布开始,一系列策略性地在印度班加罗尔设置了30个充电点,Ather的目标是在其产品…Ather 450电动踏板车投入使用之前为其系统做好准备。 Ather 450是印度第一款智能电动踏板车,其最高时速为80km / h,在3.9秒内可实现0-40的加速,续航里程为75kms。 Ather 450具有前卫的视觉特征,突击队员的配色(加上令人愉悦的绿色调),绝对看起来像是智能电动两轮车的一部分。它配备7英寸触摸屏仪表板,可在板上导航,并提供备选路线和已保存位置的选项。它还带有Ather应用,该应用可实现从手机到车辆仪表板的推送导航,车辆健康的远程监控以及电量监控。此外,借助空中(OTA)更新,Ather 450能够随着时间的推移不断进行更新并增加新的特性和功能,从而不断改进。

Starting with the launch of the AtherGrid a series of 30 charging points strategically placed across Bengaluru, India, Ather aims at getting its system ready before its product… the Ather 450 electric scooter. With a top speed of 80km/h, an acceleration of 0-40 in 3.9 seconds, and a range of 75kms, the Ather 450 is India’s first smart electric scooter. With an edgy visual characteristic, a storm-trooper color combination (plus some delightful green accents), the Ather 450 definitely looks the part of an intelligent electric two-wheeler. It sports a 7″ touchscreen dashboard that allows onboard navigation with options of alternative routes and saved locations. It also comes with the Ather app that enables push navigation from one’s phone to the vehicle dashboard, remote monitoring of vehicle health, and charge monitoring. Furthermore, with the over-the-air (OTA) updates, the Ather 450 is capable of improving over time with continuous updates and the addition of new features and functionalities.

这款名为Z-Scooter的踏板车/赛格威混合动力车专为休闲骑行而设计,是一款有趣的车辆,一次充电即可以建议的20 km / h的速度行驶长达35 km。受到踏板车先驱Corradino D'Ascanio(以及帮助Piaggio制造标志性Vespa的人)的启发,Z-踏板车是常绿踏板车美学的顶礼帽。它具有像大多数电动踏板车一样的自动平衡功能,甚至在前部设有一个古怪的架子以使车辆停下来。向前和向后倾斜以加速和减速,并向左右旋转手柄以左右操纵Z-Scooter,这几乎是操作电动汽车所需的全部控件。

Made for recreational riding, the scooter/segway hybrid named Z-Scooter is fun looking vehicle that can run at recommended speeds of 20km/h for as long as 35km on a single charge. Inspired by the works of Corradino D’Ascanio, the pioneer of scooters (and the man who helped Piaggio build the iconic Vespa), the Z-Scooter is a hat-tip to the evergreen scooter aesthetic. It comes with an auto-balance feature like most segways, and even sports a quirky stand on the front for resting the vehicle. Lean forward and backward to accelerate and decelerate, and turn the handles sideways to maneuver the Z-Scooter left and right, and that’s pretty much all the controls you’ll need to operate the EV.


Discover more eco-friendly alternatives for sustainable traveling with these scooter designs!


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