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家用电器LARQ Pitcher 不仅可以过滤,还可以使用UV-C灯净化饮用水

2020-10-13  5161

如果大流行使您比以前更加注重健康,请举手。我并不是说要在公共场合戴口罩,每天要洗10次……我只是在重新评估以方便为名,我们向系统中放入了多少垃圾,是否为垃圾食品,苏打水,或只是不健康的生活方式。 LARQ投手的设计完全适合后者对大流行的反应。这个1.9升的水罐配备了独特的多级净化系统,该系统超越了大多数滤水器的功能。它不仅可以从饮用水中去除潜在有害的化合物和污染物,还可以通过使用UV-C光中和自来水中可能存在的任何生物污染物来对其进行消毒。

Raise your hand if the pandemic’s made you a little more health-conscious than before. I’m not talking about wearing a mask in public and washing your hands 10 times a day… I’m talking about just re-evaluating how much trash we put into our system in the name of convenience, whether it’s junk food, soda, or just an unhealthy lifestyle. The LARQ Pitcher was designed to perfectly suit the latter response to the pandemic. This 1.9-liter pitcher comes with a unique multi-stage purification system that goes above and beyond what most water filters do. Not only does it remove potentially harmful compounds and contaminants from the water you drink, it sanitizes it by using UV-C light to neutralize any bio-contaminants that may be present in your tap water.

由CES和获得红点奖的LARQ团队设计,LARQ Pitcher采取了多个步骤来确保您的饮用水尽可能安全。水罐的圆滑设计在顶部装有过滤系统,在底部装有透明的盛水容器,向您展示水的原始程度。设计用于简单的单手注水,只需将自来水倒入平衡的顶部即可轻松注满水箱。然后,它进入LARQ Pitcher的过滤器外壳,并通过其基于植物的碳过滤器,该碳过滤器能够捕获铅,氯,Rad,金属,石棉,VOC和硬水矿物。基于植物的过滤器的使用寿命比大多数竞争产品长50%(可净化60加仑的汽油),并且位于由编织材料制成的可持续性外壳中,在整个过滤器设计中将塑料替换率高达75% 。

Designed by the CES and Red Dot Award-winning LARQ team, the LARQ Pitcher takes multiple steps to ensure your drinking water is as safe as can be. The pitcher’s sleek design houses a filtration system on the top, and a transparent water-container at the base to show you how pristine your water is. Designed for easy, one-handed filling, simply pour tap water through the counterbalanced top to easily fill the reservoir. It then passes into the LARQ Pitcher’s filter housing, and through its plant-based carbon-filter that’s capable of catching Lead, Chlorine, Radon, metals, asbestos, VOCs, and hard-water minerals. The plant-based filter lasts up to 50% longer than most of its competition (purifying as much as 60 gallons), and sits in a sustainable housing made from a woven material, replacing plastic by as much as 75% in the overall filter’s design.

作为过滤净化过程的一方面,它的物理过滤器改善了味道并去除了污染物,而LARQ Pitcher甚至配备了其专有技术PureVis™,它是内置的UV-C LED光棒,可以进一步用紫外线净化水。 PureVis™魔杖可以净化进入水罐主容器中的水,从而中和细菌,病毒和霉菌,从而使您的水更清洁。尽管大多数滤水器在使用数周后最终成为微生物的温床,但PureVis™UV-C技术可以防止这种情况的发生,并确保您所饮用的水在任何净化器中都可以达到最高标准。

While its physical filter improves taste and removes pollutants as one aspect of the filtration purification process, the LARQ Pitcher even comes with its proprietary technology, PureVis™, a built-in UV-C LED light wand that further purifies the water with ultraviolet light. The PureVis™ Wand purifies the water as it enters the pitcher’s main vessel, neutralizing bacteria, viruses, and molds to keep your water cleaner for longer. While most water filters end up becoming breeding grounds for microorganisms after weeks of use, the PureVis™ UV-C technology prevents that from happening, making sure that the water you drink is doubly purified to the highest standard possible in any purifier-pitcher.

LARQ投手有一个奇异的尺寸,有两种颜色组合–经典的纯白色和格外醒目的摩纳哥蓝色。投手的透明底座是由纯净,无BPA / BPS的透明塑料制成,类似于玻璃,从字面上向您展示了LARQ投手多级净化系统的结果……当您需要更换过滤器时,投手的光迹会用LED灯轻松通知您。此外,如果您想积极跟踪LARQ Pitcher的进度,LARQ正在开发一个智能手机应用程序,该应用程序将实时向您显示过滤器的运行状况统计数据,以及有关自来水内真正成分的见解和信息。该应用程序将于2021年春季首次亮相,而投手最早将于2020年12月开始发售。

The LARQ Pitcher comes in a singular size, with two color combinations – a classic Pure White, and an unusually eye-catching Monaco Blue. The transparent base of the pitcher is made from a pristine, clear BPA/BPS-free plastic that’s glass-like and literally shows you the results of the LARQ Pitcher’s multi-stage purification system… and when you ever need to replace a filter, the pitcher’s light track handily notifies you with an LED light. Moreover, if you want to actively track your LARQ Pitcher’s progress, LARQ is developing a smartphone app that will show you your filter health stats in real-time, along with insights and information about what’s really inside your tap water. The app debuts in Spring 2021, while the pitcher begins shipping as early as December 2020.


Impel Studio for LARQ


传统的水罐将多余的污染物收集在过滤器中,在那里它们可以迅速繁殖和逆转污染您的水。 LARQ投手不仅采用独特的两步过滤和纯化工艺进行过滤,还可以在after饮后品尝纯净的水。

LARQ Pitcher – Pure Water Beyond Filtration

Traditional pitchers collect unwanted pollutants in filters where they can quickly multiply and reverse contaminate your water. The LARQ Pitcher goes beyond filtration with a unique 2-step filtration and purification process for pure-tasting water sip after sip.



Why Reinvent the Pitcher

By removing chlorine, the filters become the perfect breeding ground for bacteria, mold, and other pollutants in just 2 weeks—making the filter itself a source of contamination.





Step 1: Better Filteration

Their carbon-derived, plant-based filter gets rid of unwanted contaminants like lead, mercury, chlorine, VOCs, and more, leaving you with pure, crisp-tasting water. No compromises here.

Step 2: PureVis™ Purification Technology

What traditional water pitchers are missing is a vital second step—PureVis™ UV-C purification, which eradicates bio-contaminants at the molecular level. Keeping your water as pure as nature intended.


Smart & Sustainable


Tech Backed by Science

LARQ的专利专利PureVis™UV-C LED技术是世界上最先进的。

LARQ’s proprietary and patented PureVis™ UV-C LED technology is the most advanced in the world.


Sustainable Design


The team opted out of the hard outer plastic casing you’ll find with traditional filters and created a more sustainable woven material to help provide structure to the filter media. The result? A 75% reduction in plastic use during filter replacements over the course of a year. By flattening the filter geometry we were able to maximize surface area for the perfect balance between efficacy, filter speed, and lifetime.


Filteration for All

根据您的水质需求,有两种过滤器可供选择。 LARQ过滤器将按照NSF标准(42和53)进行测试,以在各种污染物范围内减少90%以上的污染。

Two types of filters to choose from based on your water quality needs. LARQ Filters will be tested to NSF standards (42 and 53) to achieve >90% reduction across a range of contaminants.


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