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智能设备Wainlux K6 便携激光雕刻机

2020-09-11  9942

这不是第一个台式激光雕刻机。就消费类制造设备而言,它们非常普遍。然而,Wainlux K6如此紧凑,价格便宜,使得大多数人都应该能够在其设置中添加一个。

It’s not the first desktop laser engraver. They’re quite common as far as consumer fabrication devices go.  The Wainlux K6, however, makes its case by being so compact and inexpensive, most anyone should be able to add one to their setup.

该设备专为便携性而设计,尺寸仅为6.8 x 6.8 x 6.4英寸,使其足够小,甚至可以放入较小的背包和手提箱中。这意味着,如果您想即时雕刻纪念品,赠品和其他小饰品,可以将其用于贸易展览,聚会和其他活动。好吧,无论如何,无论何时贸易展览,节日和其他公共聚会再次变得可行。

Designed for portability, the device measures just 6.8 x 6.8 x 6.4 inches, making it small enough to fit even inside smaller backpacks and carrying cases. That means, you can take it down to trade shows, parties, and other events if you want to engrave souvenirs, giveaways, and other trinkets on the fly. Well, whenever trade shows, festivals, and other public gatherings become viable again, anyway.

Wainlux K6配备了3000mW激光,可以在包括硬纸板,毛毡和织物之类的坚硬物体(如木材,橡胶和丙烯酸)等全部材料上刻录图像。认真地讲,任何金属以外的东西都应该是适合这种激光的游戏,您可以使用它来雕刻各种各样的物体。它使用导轨和电机设置,允许激光头在X和Y轴上移动,从而可以在3.14 x 3.14英寸的工作区域内压印任何二维设计。我们知道,这看上去很小,但这就是其超便携尺寸所带来的限制。根据装束,它的路由速度为每分钟1500毫米,分辨率为508 dpi。

The Wainlux K6 is equipped with a 3000mW laser that allows it to burn images on a whole load of materials, from soft items like cardboard, felt, and fabrics to tougher ones like wood, rubber, and acrylic. Seriously, anything short of metals should be fair game for this laser, allowing you to use it to engrave a wide selection of objects. It uses a rail-and-motor setup to allow the laser head to move across the X and Y axis, allowing it to imprint any two-dimensional design within a 3.14 x 3.14 inch work area. We know, that seems awfully small, but that’s the limitation imposed by its ultra-portable size. According to the outfit, it has a routing speed of 1500 mm per minute and a 508 dpi resolution.


While the work area is small, it does have a workaround built in. You see, the entire base of the machine is open, allowing you to simply place it on top of any object you want to engrave, so you’re not restricted to putting engravings on phone cases, wallets, and similarly smaller items. That means, you can use it to engrave designs on your leather briefcase, your motorcycle helmet, and every single piece of furniture you have at home if you feel like it. Even better, if you want to engrave a larger label than the work area allows, you can simply cut the design into 3.14-inch portions and engrave it one section at a time, moving the spot you want to engrave on as you go along.

Wainlux K6带有一个对焦按钮,可让您旋转焦距以获得所需的精确雕刻,并带有方向控件,可让您上下,左右,左右移动激光头。例如,您可以在柔软的织物上工作时将其抬起,这样就不会烧孔,而将设计留在较硬的材料(如木材)上以降低其燃烧力时,则不必降低它。

The Wainlux K6 comes with a focus button that allows you to rotate the focal length to get the exact kind of engraving you want, along with directional controls that let you move the laser head higher, lower, left, or right. You can, for instance, raise it when working on soft fabrics so you don’t burn a hole and lower it when leaving designs on harder materials like wood for maximum burning power.

它具有板载Wi-Fi,因此您可以使用智能手机(iOS和Android)或PC(Windows和Mac OS)以及USB插槽将设计发送到设备,以防将其束缚到自己的设备上。电脑代替。其功能包括内置保护镜(无需佩戴护目镜),安全传感器(当其检测到过热或异常运动时立即关闭),并且其设计使其更易于更换激光头进行维护。

It has onboard Wi-Fi, so you can send designs to the device either using your smartphone (iOS and Android) or a PC (Windows and Mac OS), as well as a USB slot, in case you want to tether it to your computer instead. Features include built-in protective lenses (no need to wear safety goggles), safety sensors (shuts down immediately when it detects overheating or unusual motion), and a design that makes it easier to replace the laser head for maintenance.


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