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3D打印Realize Medical 的 VR 3D 建模软件与 Logitech 手写笔

2020-07-18  5686

加拿大基于VR的医学3D建模公司Realize Medical宣布与瑞士计算机和软件公司Logitech建立新的合作伙伴关系。两家公司将共同努力,进一步开发Realize Medical的Elucis平台,这是专门为直接在虚拟现实环境中设计患者特定的3D医学模型而开发的首个程序。

Realize Medical, a Canadian VR-based medical 3D modeling company, has announced a new partnership with Swiss computer and software company Logitech. The companies will work together to further develop Realize Medical’s Elucis platform, the first program developed specifically for designing patient-specific 3D medical models directly in a virtual reality environment.

通过与Logitech合作,Realize将能够将前者的VR Ink Pilot Edition手写笔与Elucis平台集成在一起,这将使用户更轻松地精确绘制和编辑模型。 Realize的软件为用户提供了使用虚拟现实将医学图像转换为3D医学模型的工具。然后可以对模型进行3D打印或用于其他高级可视化目的。罗技的触控笔是第一代VR产品,它将使用户能够在转换3D模型的同时直观地在2D表面上“书写”,从而简化了图像查看和建模过程。

By partnering with Logitech, Realize will be able to integrate the former’s VR Ink Pilot Edition stylus with the Elucis platform, which will make it easier for users to draw and edit models with precision. Realize’s software gives users the tools to transform medical images into 3D medical models using virtual reality. The models can then be 3D printed or used for other advanced visualization purposes. Logitech’s stylus, a first generation VR product, will facilitate the image viewing and modeling process by enabling users to intuitively “write” on 2D surfaces while transforming the 3D model.

Realize Medical首席执行官兼联合创始人贾斯汀·萨瑟兰(Justin Sutherland)表示:“我们一直在寻求创新的方法来改善我们的Elucis平台,而与罗技的合作就可以做到这一点。” “使用户能够在我们的程序中无缝绘图,将极大地改善用户体验,使我们更接近实现为医疗保健专业人员提供他们改善患者护理和教育所需的3D建模工具的使命。”

“We are constantly on the lookout for innovative ways to improve our Elucis platform, and this partnership with Logitech does just that,” stated Justin Sutherland, CEO & Co-Founder of Realize Medical. “Giving users the ability to draw seamlessly within our program will greatly improve the user experience, bringing us closer to meeting our mission of providing healthcare professionals with the 3D modeling tools they need to improve patient care and education.”

Realize Medical由渥太华医院和渥太华大学的医学物理学家创立,他们早日意识到使用VR技术进行医学建模的潜在好处。该公司已将Elucis平台推向市场,该平台用作临床医生的教育和培训工具,它使用3D模型帮助计划针对特定患者的干预措施并指导治疗决策。使Elucis独树一帜的虚拟现实设置为医疗专业人员提供了一种更加动态的方式来创建3D医疗模型。总的来说,这家位于渥太华的公司认为,VR,AR和3D打印等技术将改变医疗保健,从而带来更高效,更量身定制的治疗计划和程序。

Realize Medical was founded by medical physicists from the Ottawa Hospital and the University of Ottawa who  recognized the potential benefits of using VR technology for medical modeling early on. The company has brought to market a platform, Elucis, which functions as a clinician education and training tool, using 3D models to help plan patient-specific interventions and guide treatment decisions. The virtual reality setting that makes Elucis unique offers a more dynamic way for medical professionals to create 3D medical models. Down the line, the Ottawa-based company believes that technologies like VR, AR and 3D printing will transform healthcare, leading to more efficient and tailored treatment plans and procedures.


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