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数码3CKeyboardio Atreus 你的最佳外围设备

2020-04-17  5117

紧凑型键盘很棒–它们使您舒适地打字,而仅占用全尺寸型号的一小部分空间。但是,如果那些紧凑的键盘对于您在家工作时使用的小桌子来说仍然太大了,该怎么办? Keyboardio Atreus可能是这项工作的最佳外围设备。

Compact keyboards are great – they let you type comfortably while taking just a fraction of the space of full-sized models. But what if those compact keyboards are still too big for the tiny desk you use when working at home? The Keyboardio Atreus just might be the best peripheral for the job.


A keyboard measuring just 9.6 inches wide, the peripheral allows you to do all your typing in a very narrow space, so you can occupy the rest of your desk with other accessories, like drawing tablets, giant mousepads, and whatever else you use as part of your everyday tasks. Whether you want a small keyboard to maximize your mousepad for gaming, own a tiny desk that can’t fit a regular keyboard-and-mouse combo comfortably, or simply embrace minimalism in every aspect of your life, this thing should make an attractive addition to your workspace.

Keyboardio Atreus是独特的分体式QWERTY键盘,具有自定义布局,该布局使按键向内对齐10度,并将其排列在与每个手指相对应的列中。这意味着您的十根手指中的每一根都有十列,这将使打字速度甚至更快。更好的是,这些键的位置使您无论您的手大小如何,都无需拉伸或扭曲就可以触及其中的任何一个键,因为它们的布置方式与人的手的自然工作方式相匹配,因此您可以键入微风。它们还使用与全尺寸键盘上的按键相匹配的常规尺寸键,因此每次敲击都一样容易。

The Keyboardio Atreus is a unique split-style QWERTY keyboard equipped with a custom layout that aligns the keys 10 degrees inward, arranging them in columns corresponding to each of your fingers. That means, ten columns for each of your ten fingers, which should make touch-typing potentially even faster. Even better, the keys are positioned such that you never need to stretch or twist to reach any of them, regardless of your hand size, as they’re purposely laid out in a manner that matches how a human hand naturally works, making typing a breeze. They use regular-sized keys that match those found on your full-size keyboard, too, so they’re just as easy to hit with every strike.


You know how a regular full-size keyboard has 104 keys? This one has just 44. We know, that sounds like an awfully small amount. That’s because the default layout just gives you the letters, most common punctuations, and most common functions. To type numerals, use arrow keys, and access other symbols, you need to engage the Function button, while the Upper button lets you access the Function keys (F1 to F12) and media controls.

Keyboardio Atreus使用易于拆卸的键帽和可热插拔的开关,从而可以根据自己的喜好轻松自定义键盘。实际上,他们甚至提供了称为Chrysalis的图形配置软件,您可以在其中将键盘布局重新映射到您的首选设置。要更改布局,只需交换键帽,更新软件,即可完成设置。顺便说一下,用户可以选择三个可用开关之一,即Kailh BOX White,Kailh Speed Copper和Kailh BOX Red。对于不熟悉的人来说,BOX White是一种轻巧的开关,在1.8mm处具有触觉凸起,而Speed Copper在1.1mm处具有触觉凸起,因此您在敲击时会立即获得反馈。另一方面,“红色方块”在以1.8mm的速度致动的同时,消除了咔嗒声和颠簸。所有三个开关的致动力为50g。

The Keyboardio Atreus uses easily removable keycaps and hot-swappable switches, making it possible to easily customize the keyboard exactly to your liking. In fact, they even provide a graphical configuration software called Chrysalis, where you can remap the keyboard layout to your preferred setup.  To change layouts, simply swap the keycaps, update the software, and you’re set. Users, by the way, can opt for one of three available switches, namely Kailh BOX White, Kailh Speed Copper, and Kailh BOX Red. To the unfamiliar, the BOX White is a clicky switch with a tactile bump at 1.8mm, while the Speed Copper provides a tactile bump at 1.1mm, so you get the feedback immediately upon striking. The BOX Red, on the other hand, removes both the click and the bump, while actuating at 1.8mm. All three switches have an actuation force of 50g.


Will using this be confusing? At first, probably. The fact that you’ll have to get acquainted with accessing numerals, punctuations, and symbols by using a modifier does impose some amount of learning curve. Once you get the hang of it, though, we imagine it will feel just the same as other keyboards you’ve used through the years.

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