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智能设备Hot Wheels Smart Track Kit 趣味编码学习平台

2020-01-15  5528

Hot Wheels ID 是基本压铸赛车的一种,它在赛车上增加了NFC,在赛道上增加了蓝牙,从而使系统可以跟踪赛车的行驶速度和时间完成一圈。并随时记录单圈时间,将其用作编码教程的一部分,Hot Wheels ID Swift Playground 还可以在场景上进行扩展。

We’re big fans of Hot Wheels ID, a twist on the basic die-cast racing that added NFC to the cars and Bluetooth to the tracks, allowing the system to keep track of how fast the cars go and how long it took to finish a lap. That means, there’s no more guessing as to who managed to record a better lap time – the companion app can show every single lap time clear as day. The Hot Wheels ID Swift Playground expands on the set by using it as part of a coding tutorial.

它不只是玩具,它是 Apple 的 Swift Playgrounds 应用程序中的第三方工具,可让您使用 iPhone 专有编程语言对汽车和赛道的各种元素进行编程。如果您已经拥有 Hot Wheels ID,则可以在下载后立即在应用程序中使用它。

No, it’s not a separate toy set. Instead, it’s a third-party tool inside Apple’s Swift Playgrounds app, which allows you to program various elements of the cars and tracks using the iPhone maker’s proprietary programming language. That means, if you already own any Hot Wheels ID set, you can start using it with the app immediately as soon as you download it.

基本上,Hot Wheels ID Swift 是一个编程教程,结合了 Hot Wheels ID Smart Track Kit,可以教孩子们在 Apple 的 Swift 平台中进行编码。您可以将其与 iPad 配对,将汽车放在赛道上,然后使用增强现实以完全不同的方式查看它。在每个场景中,让您的汽车驶过赛道通常是任务列表最常见的一部分。

The Hot Wheels ID Swift Playground is, basically, a programming tutorial that incorporates the Hot Wheels ID Smart Track Kit to teach kids coding in Apple’s Swift platform. During launch, it will ask you to connect your race portal and scan a car. You pair it with your iPad, put the car on the track, and use augmented reality to see it in an entirely different way. Various digital elements will appear in the scene, creating a problem that you can solve by coding the solution. And yes, having your car run through the tracks is usually a part of the task list on each scene, which, pretty much, forces the physical play connection.

这会让孩子们主动参与吗? 我们不确定。它不像大多数 STEM 编码平台那样使用基于块的可视化编程,这对于年轻用户来说可能更令人敬而远之。

Will this keep kids engaged? We’re not entirely sure. For one, it doesn’t use block-based visual programming like most STEM coding platforms, which could be more intimidating for younger users. The upside, of course, is that they’re learning an actual programming language that’s used in the real world, provided they can muster the attention to actually learn it.

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