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3D打印adidas 碳晶格创新背后的故事

2019-11-22  5869

Carbon 的重点是开发增材制造解决方案,使客户能够在考虑最终用户体验的情况下构建最终生产零件。最近,我们将材料科学、软件和硬件方面的创新与最终客户需求相结合的理念结合,最终成功做到了以adidas中底形式开发独特的弹性体网格结构。在本案例研究中,我们将以adidas中底为例,分享有关点阵打印功能的更多细节,创建以客户为中心的解决方案。

At Carbon, our focus is to develop additive manufacturing solutions that empower our customers to build final production parts, taking into account end-user experience. Our philosophy of combining innovations in materials science, software, and hardware with the end-customer needs recently culminated in the development of unique elastomer lattice structures in the form of adidas midsoles. In this case study, we will share additional details on our lattice printing capabilities for creating customer-focused solutions using the adidas midsole as an example.



Digital Light Synthesis™是Carbon率先推出的突破性增材制造技术,该技术使用了数字光投射,透氧光学器件和Carbon的可编程液体树脂。Carbon的技术正在改变高性能、耐用的聚合物组件和产品的生产方式。Carbon技术提供了比其他增材制造工艺快100倍的速度

Digital Light Synthesis™ is a breakthrough additive manufacturing technology pioneered by Carbon that uses digital light projection, oxygen permeable optics, and Carbon’s programmable liquid resins. Carbon’s technology is changing the way high-performance, durable, final polymeric components, and products are being created. Not only does our technology allow for the production of end-use parts, but it also delivers unmatched speed, up to 100 times faster than other additive manufacturing processes.


Carbon’s technology is inherently capable of printing high-resolution parts with an excellent surface finish and isotropic mechanical properties. Our software leverages our M-series printers and our wide array of programmable liquid resins to print unique lattices (Figure 1) that can replace materials such as foam in headsets, shoe midsoles, and seating applications. What is especially unique is Carbon’s ability to design and make tunable lattices depending on customer application needs. Engineers for the first time can 3D print multiple unique functional zones within the same monolithic part and tune the mechanical properties within each of these functional zones depending on the application requirements.


Figure 1: Examples of Carbon’s lattice printing capabilities

案例研究– adidas

CASE STUDY – adidas

凭借Carbon 3D打印创新格子结构的能力,阿迪达斯与Carbon共同开发了中底,该底能够满足跑步者所需的性能和舒适性。adidas正在寻找一个平台,使他们能够调整整个鞋子的缓冲性能,并提供定制的运动鞋。凭借数十年设计中底的经验和数据,阿迪达斯希望创造出一种能让他们摆脱传统鞋类制造局限的产品。传统方法无法提供如此复杂的高性能整体设计,并且通常需要组装多个零件才能在单个中底中创建不同的性能区域。这种组装方法导致成本增加,并产生复杂性和质量问题。

Enthused by our ability to 3D print innovative lattice structures, adidas partnered with Carbon to develop a midsole that met the performance and comfort required by serious runners. adidas was seeking a platform that would enable them to tune cushioning properties throughout the shoe, and ultimately provide bespoke athletic footwear. With decades of experience and data on designing a midsole, adidas wanted to create something that would free them from the limitations of traditional footwear manufacturing. Traditional methods cannot deliver such complex, high-performance monolithic designs and typically require the assembly of multiple parts to create varying performance zones within a single midsole. This assembly approach leads to added cost, complexity, and quality concerns.

Carbon的Digital Light Synthesis™技术帮助解决了所有这些问题,并使adidas迈入了鞋类制造的新时代,如 Futurecraft 4D(图2) 。我们共同创建了一个数字化鞋类零件创建流程,从而消除了传统原型制作或成型的需要。我们的技术还使adidas能够创建整体式中底,从而满足与运动、缓冲、稳定性和舒适性相关的精确需求。此外,在产品开发过程中,Carbon的技术使adidas可以执行50多次设计迭代,与在相同时间段内使用传统成型技术可以实现的迭代相比,大幅增加。此外,两家公司的工程师密切合作,并测试了近150次树脂迭代。

Carbon’s Digital Light Synthesis™ technology helped solve all these challenges and enabled adidas to move into a new era of footwear manufacturing. The result is Futurecraft 4D (Figure 2). Together, we created a digitized footwear component creation process that eliminates the need for traditional prototyping or molding. Our technology also allowed adidas to create a monolithic midsole that addresses precise needs related to movement, cushioning, stability, and comfort. Further, over the course of product development, Carbon’s technology enabled adidas to execute more than 50 design iterations, a substantial increase compared with what is achievable with traditional molding in the same amount of time. Moreover, engineers from both companies collaborated closely and tested nearly 150 resin iterations.


The final midsole material is made out of a blend of UV curable resin and polyurethane. It is a stiff elastomer that can be printed in a lattice structure to create a high-performance midsole that also offers excellent durability and is aesthetically pleasing. This level of speed in design innovation and materials iteration is unheard of in traditional manufacturing and a testament to Carbon’s philosophy of creating new 3D printing solutions that take into account the end-customer experience.

图2:在Carbon M系列打印机上进行的adidas Futurecraft 4D中底打印,沿中底不同的网格结构

Figure 2: An adidas Futurecraft 4D midsole printing on a Carbon M-series printer to include varying lattice structures along the midsole

随着Futurecraft 4D的发布,Carbon和adidas共同将鞋的性能提升到了一个新的高度。新推出的鞋底夹层中具有精确调整的功能区(图3)。注意中底在脚后跟和前脚中具有不同的格子结构,是满足跑步时脚的这些部分的不同缓冲需求。 Carbon的技术通过一个简单的高性能整体组件满足了adidas的所有需求。随着adidas扩大这些中底的生产量,Carbon将在为运动员提供更好的体验方面发挥关键作用。从长远来看,阿迪达斯和Carbon将能够为每位运动员提供量身定制的性能产品,这些产品是针对个别生理数据和需求量身定制的。

Together, Carbon and adidas have pushed the performance function of footwear to a new level with the launch of Futurecraft 4D. The newly launched shoe has precisely tuned functional zones within the midsole (Figure 3). Notice how the midsole has different lattice structures in the heel and forefoot, to account for different cushioning needs for these parts of the foot while running. Carbon’s technology addressed all of adidas needs in one simple high-performance monolithic component. As adidas scales the production of these midsoles, Carbon will play a pivotal role in providing a better experience for athletes. In the long run, adidas and Carbon will be able to provide each athlete with bespoke performance products tailored to individual physiological data and needs on demand.


Figure 3: Multiple functional zones showing varying lattice structures within the same midsole



Futurecraft 4D的成功是一个很好的例子,证明Carbon的制造方法不仅为阿迪达斯设计师而且为其他行业的产品开发团队打开了无限的可能性。可以为头盔、整形外科垫子、汽车座椅、自行车座椅和头戴式耳机等应用设计使用“可调节”格子,该格子可以有效替代或补充泡沫。现在,设计师可以使用Carbon的可调式晶格创新技术,将以前传统制造无法实现的最复杂的晶格设计带入现实。让我们总结一下使用Carbon技术可以实现的晶格结构的一些优点:

The Futurecraft 4D success is an excellent example of how Carbon’s approach to manufacturing is opening up limitless possibilities not only for adidas designers but also for product development teams in other industry verticals. For the first time, engineers designing for applications such as helmets, orthopedic cushions, car seats, bike seats, and headsets have access to a “tunable” lattice that can effectively replace or complement foam. Designers can now bring their most intricate lattice designs previously unachievable with traditional manufacturing into physical reality using Carbon’s tunable lattice innovation. Let us summarize some benefits of lattice structures possible using Carbon’s technology:

设计简单 Design Simplicity


Carbon’s ability to create varying lattice structures (Figure 3) within the same part or component results in unmatched design. Previously, engineers had to combine multiple components to create different properties within a final part. This complexity requires additional design, tooling, and assembly resources and often results in quality issues. With Carbon, as highlighted in the adidas midsole example, it is possible to rapidly engineer lattice structures with varying mechanical properties and aesthetics all in the same monolithic part. This unique capability opens up new product design possibilities that in turn enables the creation of differentiated final products.

透气的 Breathable


Carbon lattice innovation and resulting open-cell structure (Figure 1) enables customers to create final products with improved thermal characteristics. In applications such as seats, armrests, headsets, crutch-pads, and orthopedic supports for the back and neck, this breathability is especially useful in maintaining a comfortable temperature. Thermal control in these applications is essential for ideal end-user experiences, and heat dissipation via open-cell structures helps with that.

清洁性 Cleanability


Cleaning materials such as foam is cumbersome. Additionally, water retention and slow drying with foam are not desirable. In contrast, applications using Carbon’s lattice structures are easy to clean, do not retain water, and can be utilized post-wash almost instantaneously.



Our adidas relationship illustrates how we combined Carbon’s unique lattice printing capabilities with adidas’s desire to design and print lattices. Now we can bring precisely tuned functional zones into midsoles, addressing specific needs of movement, cushioning, stability, and comfort, into one simple, high-performance component. Other applications mentioned in this case study such as bike seats, orthopedic pads, and headsets should only serve as starting point when product development teams consider Carbon’s technology to design new parts and products. We are hopeful that our ability to print tunable lattices using a wide variety of resins will serve the existing need for some product development teams who were actively seeking similar material properties while challenging others to find applications where the end user experience could improve by incorporating lattice structures into their products.

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