数码3C Swivel 旋转投影仪

❤狍子❤ 2020-12-08   5658

闭上眼睛,想一想投影机。您的脑海中可能会出现与我相同的图像。一种长方体形的设备,颜色为黑色或白色,悬挂在天花板上,并且在其一个侧面上有一个大透镜。可以肯定地说,几乎所有投影机的外观都几乎相同。他们的目的不是要看起来好。它位于背景中,同时您将注意力集中在正在投射的图像上。有些人会认为投影仪本身就不错,而其他人可能会说这是一个需要彻底审视的类别。 Yash Gupte(以他的互联网绰号Wacko Designs而著称)认为自己是第二批人的一部分。

Close your eyes for a second and think of a projector. Chances are you’ve got the same image in your head as I do. A cuboid-shaped device that’s either black or white in color, suspended from the ceiling, and with a massive lens on one of its faces. It’s safe to say that almost all projectors are designed to look practically the same way. Their purpose isn’t to look good. It’s to sit in the background, while you focus your attention on the image it’s casting. Some would argue that projectors are fine as they are, while others would probably say it’s a category that needs a radical relook. Yash Gupte (better known as his internet moniker Wacko Designs) considers himself to be a part of the second set of people.


The Swivel is Gupte’s answer to the stagnated design language of projectors. It ditches the notion that projectors need to be rectangular, and comes with a unique inverted U-shaped frame, within which sits a circular device. The name Swivel comes from the swiveling action of the main projector unit. Designed to be pointed at any angle (so you could use it as a long-throw or a short-throw projector), the swiveling detail lets you easily adjust the projector to face forwards, downwards, or upwards, with rotational freedom of up to 160°. Circular vents on the back of the projector help with heat-dissipation, while a single knob on the front (in the bottom corner of the frame) lets you toggle through the projector’s functions and tweak its settings. To make this already exciting concept even more fun, the Swivel runs wirelessly (which means you don’t need to worry about HDMI cables and cross-compatibility) and is small/slim enough to fit int backpacks, so you could carry it around to a friend’s house for a movie or game night!


Yash Gupte (Wacko Designs)



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