饿殍 2020-09-27   7369

我仍然记得我第一次看到《电子卡车》时的感受。我想这是很多人在1970年看到蓝旗亚Stratos Zero时的感觉,当时汽车仍然很传统。蓝旗亚(Lancia)Stratos Zero夸张的轮廓被某些人仍称为尖端,其独特的楔形设计使它可以在赛车前进时在空中切开。 Stratos Zero的标志性形式后来被标记为意大利设计中的杰作,甚至在Countach之后成为兰博基尼的主要美学。

I still remember how I felt when I saw the Cybertruck for the first time. I imagine it’s how a lot of people felt when they saw the Lancia Stratos Zero back in 1970 when cars were still pretty traditional looking. The Lancia Stratos Zero boasted of a silhouette that some would still describe as cutting-edge, with its unique wedge-shaped design that allowed it to slice through the air as the car raced forward. The Stratos Zero’s iconic form went onto be labeled as a masterpiece in Italian design, and even became a staple aesthetic for Lamborghini after the Countach.

该公司最近宣布,由于销量下降,在可预见的将来,蓝旗亚将仅通过一种产品Ypsilon来仅服务于意大利市场。但这并没有阻止汽车迷和设计师Joaquin Obligado向其提供他最喜欢的概念车之一。现代改头换面。名为Lancia Cargo Stratos的概念是建立在Stratos Zero的楔形设计基础上的,尽管其机鼻较低,有助于增加下压力。该概念采用了更加简化的设计,采用了曲线以及锋利的直线,创造出了看起来像风洞试验的东西。该车的侧面采用连续的金属镶板,暗示着明显缺乏传统的车门。为了进出车辆,挡风玻璃向外打开,露出下方的喷气式战斗机式1 + 1座舱…就像原始的Stratos Zero。两个大灯齐平地位于挡泥板前方的汽车表面,并装有LED。该车的尾部也带有线性尾灯,散发出极具赛博朋克的氛围。

The company recently announced that due to dwindling sales, Lancia will for the foreseeable future serve only the Italian market with just one offering, the Ypsilon… but that didn’t stop automotive aficionado and designer Joaquin Obligado from giving one of his favorite conceptual cars a modern makeover. The Lancia Cargo Stratos, as the concept is called, builds on the Stratos Zero’s wedge design, albeit with a lowered nose to help increase downforce. The concept sports a more streamlined design, embracing curves as well as straight, edgy lines to create something that looks like a wind-tunnel test brought to life. The car’s sides come with continuous metal paneling, hinting at the obvious lack of traditional doors. To enter and exit the vehicle, the windshield opens outwards, revealing the fighter-jet-style 1+1 seater cockpit beneath… just like in the original Stratos Zero. Two headlights sit flush on the car’s surface, right ahead of the fenders, and come fitted with LEDs. The car’s rear comes with linear taillights too, giving off a very cyberpunk vibe.

Joaquin Obligado设计了Cargo Stratos,旨在定义“未来”在当今世界中的含义。无论您从哪个角度看,Cargo Stratos都采用非传统方法。无论是在外部还是内部,Lancia Cargo Stratos都试图与众不同(并取得成功),就像其前身在1970年(正好是50年前)一样。

Joaquin Obligado designed the Cargo Stratos as an exercise in defining what ‘futuristic’ means in today’s world. The Cargo Stratos embraces a non-traditional approach no matter what angle you look at it from. Whether it’s on the outside or even the inside, the Lancia Cargo Stratos just tries to be strikingly different (and succeeds) – the same way its predecessor did way back in 1970… exactly 50 years ago.


Joaquin Obligado


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