交通工具 大众甲壳虫改版的酷炫卡丁车 Bugkart Wasowski !

饿殍 2020-09-16   6432


While futuristic cars are everyone’s focus, it is refreshing to see creative takes on vintage cars – especially if they are made with something old, something new, something borrowed and something…green? When you see this kart there is only one car that should come to your mind – the original Beetle!

Aldekas Studio使用重新设计的1型甲虫模型的挡泥板,创造了一种名为“ Bugkart Wasowski”的古怪车辆。挡泥板,前大灯和转向信号灯融合在一起,将它们变成定制的迷你卡丁车,保留了汽车的标志性圆形形状。它涂有复古的橄榄绿色和红色框,以增加对比度。圆形的高车把充当转向系统,并保留了原有的镀铬后视镜,以保留某些旧魅力。

Aldekas Studio created this quirky vehicle called ‘Bugkart Wasowski’ using repurposed the fenders from a Type 1 beetle model. The fenders, headlights, and turn signals are melded to transform them into a custom mini kart that retains the car’s iconic round shape. It is painted with a retro olive green with a red frame to add some contrast. A round, tall handlebar acts as the steering system, and to keep some of the old charm the original chrome side mirrors are incorporated.

Bugkart Wasowski向大家都知道和喜爱的“虫子”致敬。当我们等待有关发动机传动装置的更多信息时,我不禁要问,如果大众必须为圣诞老人做雪橇,那就是它–两个全球性的“合作”图标!如果该项目投入生产,那么在竞争性的卡丁车赛车锦标赛中或在车展中看到它的独特之处将很有趣。

The Bugkart Wasowski pays a tribute to the “bug” we all know and love. While we wait for more information on the engine transmission, I can’t help but wonder that if Volkswagen had to make a sleigh for Santa Claus, this would be it – two global icons ‘collaborating’ if you will! If this project goes into production, it will be fun to see in competitive kart racing tournaments or maybe in car shows for how unique it is.


Aldekas Studio



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