交通工具 2022 Gordon Murray T.50:迈凯轮 F1 的后继者

吃(you)了(bing)嘛 2020-08-26   6233

1992年,迈凯轮F1首次亮相,巩固了戈登·默里在汽车迷中的地位。可以说,这辆车改变了人们对街头合法车辆的认知。尽管穆雷此后做了其他一些事情,例如T.25,T.27和扁平包装的OX Truck,但可以公平地假设F1可能会成为他最重要的作品。好吧,这一假设刚刚随着2022年Gordon Murray T.50的推出而受到挑战。

It was 1992 when the McLaren F1 debuted, cementing Gordon Murray’s place among the heart of automotive fans. Suffice to say, it’s a car that changed the perception of what a street-legal vehicle was supposed to be. While Murray has done a few other things since then, such as the T.25, the T.27, and the flat-packing OX Truck, it was fair to assume that the F1 will likely end up being his most important creation. Well, that assumption has just been challenged with the introduction of the 2022 Gordon Murray T.50.


That’s right, the man behind the McLaren F1 has gone back to his sports car roots, creating what he deems to be “the greatest analog driver’s car.” Yes, it’s 2020 and the analog distinction is necessary, as this is a car seemingly unaffected by much of the digital technology that drives modern cars, choosing to embrace the purist ideals of the loud and wild sports cars of yore.

2022 Gordon Murray T.50搭载3.9升自然吸气V12,输出654马力和344磅-英尺的扭矩,所有这些都通过六速手动变速箱发送至后轮。它的红线为12,100 rpm,发动机在空档状态下仅能在十分之三秒的时间内从怠速达到它,因此您可以想象一下这东西会在短时间内输出多少功率。根据装束,这是用于公路车的最轻的V12,重量仅为392磅,这是通过尽可能使用铝和钛实现的。

The 2022 Gordon Murray T.50 is powered by a 3.9-liter naturally-aspirated V12 that puts out 654 horsepower and 344 pound-feet of torque, all of which it sends to the rear wheels via a six-speed manual transmission. It has a redline of 12,100 rpm, with the engine able to reach it from idle in just three-tenths of a second in neutral, so you can just imagine how much power this thing puts out in a short amount of time. According to the outfit, this is the lightest V12 to be used for a road-going car at just 392 pounds, which was achieved by using aluminum and titanium where possible.

车身和底盘完全由碳纤维制成,这种轻质的品质不仅存在于发动机中。再加上与保时捷718 Boxster尺寸相同的尺寸,该车重达2160磅,可确保所有动力发动机在行驶中带来极高的行驶速度。

That lightweight quality doesn’t just stay in the engine, either, with the body and chassis being made entirely from carbon fiber. Combined with a size that’s along the same dimensions as a Porsche 718 Boxster, the vehicle weighs an impressive 2,160 pounds, ensuring you all that power engine translates to a heck of a lot of speed on the road.

2022年的Gordon Murray T.50具有您在汽车中见过的最疯狂的空气动力学特性。例如,后部有一个400毫米风扇,可将空气通过汽车中的不同管道输送。当它从下部管道中拉出时,它会增加下压力。当它从上风道拉出时,它减少了阻力,同时使车身的感觉稍长一点。它还具有可调节的扩散阀和扰流板,取决于您使用的空气动力学模式。例如,高下压力模式将激活风扇,降低风道,并增加后扰流板的角度,而流线模式将部分关闭扩散阀,降低扰流板,并在您启动后激活上部风道和风扇高速行驶。还有其他模式,尽管默认模式基本上使汽车根据遇到的驾驶情况自动进行调整。

The 2022 Gordon Murray T.50 has some of the craziest aerodynamics you’ll ever see in a car. There’s a 400mm fan in the rear, for instance, that pulls air through different ducts in the car. When it pulls from the lower ducts, it increases downforce; when it pulls from the upper ducts, it reduces drag while making the car’s body feel just a tad longer. It also has adjustable diffuser valves and spoilers that are used, depending on the aerodynamic mode you’re using. The high downforce mode, for instance, will activate the fan, lower the air ducts, and add angle to the rear spoilers, while the streamline mode will partially close the diffuser valves, lower the spoilers, and activate the upper ducts and fan when you hit high speeds. There are other modes, too, although the default mode basically leaves the car to make adjustments automatically based on the driving situations it encounters.

它的中央驾驶位置两侧各有一对副驾驶员座位,使您可以将妻子和女友同时乘坐。是的,我们不建议这样做。哦,是的,它具有全模拟控件,看不到一个触摸屏,而在驾驶员前方则配备了一个大型模拟转速表。它确实具有CarPlay和Android Auto来处理导航和音乐播放,尽管您必须在没有任何视觉提示的情况下使用它们,这应该很好。

It has a center driving position that’s flanked by a pair of passenger seats on each side, allowing you to fit both your wife and girlfriend in the same ride. Yeah, we don’t recommend it. Oh yeah, it has all-analog controls with not a single touchscreen in sight, complete with a large analog tachometer directly in front of the driver.  It does have both CarPlay and Android Auto to handle navigation and music playback, although you’ll have to use them without any visual prompts, which should be just fine.

仅生产2022年Gordon Murray T.50的例子。价格是310万美元。

Only 100 examples of the 2022 Gordon Murray T.50 will be made. Price is $3.1 million.



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