3D打印 PostProcess 申请开创性的 SVC 专利

菠菜plus 2020-08-24   5611

PostProcess Technologies Inc.因其自动3D打印后处理解决方案而获得了另一项美国专利。该专利(美国专利号10,737,440)与公司的支撑物去除工艺有关,特别是其水下涡旋气蚀(SVC)技术。

PostProcess Technologies Inc. has been granted another U.S. patent for its automated 3D printing post-processing solutions. This patent, U.S. Patent No. 10,737,440, pertains to the company’s support removal process, specifically its Submersed Vortex Cavitation (SVC) technology.

该公司的SVC技术是其用于3D打印的聚合物载体去除和树脂去除解决方案之一。现已获得专利的处理功能与PostProcess的正在申请专利的清洁剂和专有软件结合使用,以统一,可靠的方式去除支撑物。 SVC可确保3D打印的零件均匀地暴露于清洁剂和空化中,以获得一致的结果。

The company’s SVC technology is one of its polymer support removal and resin removal solutions for 3D printing. The now-patented process functions in combination with PostProcess’ patent-pending detergents and proprietary software to remove supports in a uniform and reliable way. SVC ensures that 3D printed parts are evenly exposed to the detergent and cavitation for consistent results.


SVC technology is integrated in several PostProcess systems, including its CENTI, FORTI and DEMI solutions. It is made up of a few components, including the aforementioned detergents, which dissolve the support material; a vortex pumping scheme that rotates the part while submerged in the detergent; variable ultrasonics which agitate the detergent to cause cavitation resulting in faster processing time; and AUTOMAT3D software, which precisely controls each of the hardware components and SVC’s energy sources.


The patent in question, “Apparatus and Method for Support Removal,” was filed in June 2016 and was issued on August 11, 2020. It is one of over 50 patents that the Buffalo, NY-based company has filed across the world, which cover its entire finishing solution, including software, hardware and chemistry. Postprocess is currently awaiting patents for its SVC process in other countries around the world.

SVC技术的发明者,PostProcess Technologies的创始人兼首席技术官Daniel J. Hutchinson表示:“这项专利的发布证明了我们在PostProcess多年来在这里所做的开创性工作。” “我们致力于创新尖端的解决方案,这些解决方案将改变客户的工作流程,并实现工业4.0的增材制造。”

“The issuance of this patent is confirmation of the ground-breaking work we’ve undertaken over many years here at PostProcess,” said Daniel J. Hutchinson, inventor of SVC technology and Founder and CTO of PostProcess Technologies. “We’re dedicated to innovating cutting-edge solutions that will transform our customers’ workflows and enable additive manufacturing for Industry 4.0.”

在过去的一年左右的时间里,PostProcess Technologies在发展其分销网络方面取得了令人瞩目的进展。在COVID-19占领全球之前的几个月,该公司宣布与俄罗斯Z-Axis公司(K.K.日本的IRISU以及欧美的其他几个国家。

PostProcess Technologies has made impressive progress in growing its distribution network over the past year or so. In the months before COVID-19 took over the world, the company announced reseller agreements with Russian company Z-Axis, K.K. IRISU in Japan and several others in Europe and the United States.



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