智能设备 乐高可编程的机器人

仓鼠啃电脑 2020-06-29   6979

长期以来,乐高的Mindstorms系列拥有一些最令人印象深刻的机器人制造装置,但发布的确很少。实际上,如此之多,以至于上一个主要发行版可以追溯到2013年。幸运的是,随着LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor的发布,现在有了新的变化。

LEGO’s Mindstorms line have long had some of the most impressive robot-building sets, but releases do come few and far between. So much so, in fact, that the last major release was back in 2013. Fortunately, that changes now with the announcement of the LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor.


As with previous Mindstorms releases, the set combines LEGO’s construction bricks with the cutting-edge of modern robotics, allowing fans both young and old to build LEGO robots that can be programmed to perform a whole host of actions. Whether you’re a Mindstorms fan ready to build something new, a LEGO fan looking to branch out into powered robot models, or just some kid who’s looking to explore robotics as a new hobby, this looks like a great set to pick up for your next building session.

乐高Mindstorms机器人发明家是949件套,您可以用来构建五个不同的机器人中的任何一个。这些零件包括用于构建主要模型的所有砖块,以及各种电子和机械零件。其中包括四个带有集成旋转传感器的中角电机,一个用于检测和测量光线的颜色传感器,一个用于识别周围物体是否存在的距离传感器以及一个名为Intelligent Hub的部件。基本上,该集线器是系统的中央大脑,装有一个六轴加速度计,蓝牙无线电,可充电电池,扬声器,LED矩阵以及用于连接到电动机和传感器的各种IO端口。虽然专为Mindstorms设计,但它也与Technic和System套件兼容,因此您可以将其用于套件中的五个机器人以外的整个项目。

The LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor is a 949-piece set that you can use to build any of five different robots. These pieces include all the bricks for building the main model, along with a variety of electronic and mechanical parts. These include four medium-angular motors with integrated rotation sensors, a color sensor that detects and measures light, a distance sensor for recognizing the presence of objects around it, and a piece called the Intelligent Hub. This hub is, basically, the central brain of the system, housing a six-axis accelerometer, Bluetooth radio, rechargeable battery, speaker, a LED matrix, and various IO ports for connecting to the motors and sensors. While designed for Mindstorms, it’s also compatible with Technic and System sets, so you can use it for a whole host of projects beyond the five robots in the kit.

第一个机器人称为Blast,这是一种14英寸高的轮式机器人,可以粉碎障碍物或将障碍物从一个地点移动到另一个地点。它还可以发射飞镖,因此您可以不停地烦恼家人,前提是您可以对其进行编程以识别房间中的飞镖,从而使您不必每次都想成为讨厌的烦人时就拔出Nerf blaster。

The first robot is called Blast, a 14-inch tall wheeled robot that can smash obstacles out of the way or grab them for moving from one spot to another. It can also fire darts, so you can have it annoy your family non-stop, provided you can program it to identify them in the room, saving you from having to pull out the Nerf blaster every time you want to be a pesky annoyance.

乐高Mindstorms机器人发明家还包括一个名为Charlie的机器人,这是一个好玩的机器人,可以演奏鼓(是的,套件的一部分可以内置到鼓组中),移动物体并移动其手臂以进行各种动作,而名为盖洛(Gelo)可以将轮子的四个腿挖沟,因此您可以让一个行走的机器人在办公室的桌子旁站着,以缓解一天的压力。还有Tricky,这是一款运动机器人,可以编程以执行带球的技巧; MVP是一种用于模块化游戏的车载机器人平台,可让您将其变成遥控车,工程机械或绝对机器人。

The LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor also includes a robot called Charlie, a playful robot that can play drums (yes, parts of the kit can be built into a drum set), move objects, and move its arms for various actions, while a robot called Gelo ditches the wheels for four legs, so you can have a walking robot strutting around the desk at the office to soothe away the stresses of the day. There’s also Tricky, a sport robot that can be programmed to perform tricks with a ball, and MVP, a vehicular robot platform that’s meant for modular play, allowing you to turn it into a remote-controlled buggy, a construction machine, or an absolute battle tank.


It’s designed to work with the companion app (Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android), which you can use to program the robot. As with many robot coding systems, it has a Scratch-based options for younger coders and Python support for more experienced programmers.



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