3D打印 3D 打印 Setae 夹克

吃(you)了(bing)嘛 2020-06-28   4719

致力于3D打印技术的雄心勃勃的设计师Julia Koerner在时尚与科技相交的世界中创造了许多特殊时刻。大多数人都知道她与露丝·卡特(Ruth E. Carter)合作为Marvel的《黑豹》(Black Panther)(2018)制作3D打印的服装作品,但她拥有丰富的产品组合,涵盖了许多3D打印的可穿戴设备和雕塑。她的最新作品之一是SETAE夹克,它是与3D打印公司Stratasys合作制造的。

Julia Koerner, an ambitious designer that works with 3D printing technologies, has created many special moments in the intersecting worlds of fashion and tech. Most will know her for working with Ruth E. Carter to create 3D printed costume pieces for Marvel’s Black Panther (2018), but she has a vast portfolio, spanning many 3D printed wearables and sculptures. One of her most recent works is the SETAE Jacket, which was constructed in collaboration with 3D printing company Stratasys.

SETAE夹克具有超凡脱俗的魅力,它的灵感来自蝴蝶的翅膀以及同名的刚毛(setae),无脊椎动物具有类似鬃毛的特征。 3D打印夹克是Stratasys Chro-Morpho系列的一部分,该系列还包括来自尖端设计团队ThreeASFOUR的作品。该系列的核心旨在展示3D打印如何与更传统的纺织品和时尚实践结合使用,以推动甚至提升艺术形式。

The SETAE Jacket has an otherworldly appeal, drawing its inspiration from butterfly wings as well as its namesake, setae, a bristle-like feature found on invertebrates. The 3D printed jacket is part of Stratasys’ Chro-Morpho collection, which also comprises works from cutting edge design group threeASFOUR. At its heart, the collection seeks to show how 3D printing can be used with more traditional textiles and fashion practices to push and even elevate the art form.


Koerner not only demonstrates the harmony between 3D printing and textiles with the SETAE Jacket but shows us the brilliance of her own creativity. The colorful garment’s design is based on microscopic images of the wings of Madagascan Sunset butterflies, which were digitized using a special algorithm that translates color pixels into 3D printed bristles. The bristle models were then 3D printed directly only denim to create the unique wearable garment.

每个刷毛(或刚毛)都使用Stratasys的J750 3D打印技术和灵活的VERO Multi-Material 3D打印。最终的结果是,外套具有成千上万个类似鬃毛的结构,可以随着穿着者的运动而移动。

Each bristle (or setae) was 3D printed using Stratasys’ J750 3D printing technology and the flexible VERO Multi-Material. The end result is a jacket with thousands of bristle-like structures that move with the wearer’s movement.

Koerner网站说:“这项研究探索了数字刚毛图案设计和织物上的多色3D打印,灵感来自微观的蝴蝶翅膀图案。” “蝶翅由膜组成,膜上覆盖着成千上万的彩色鳞片和毛发,盘状刚毛。马达加斯加日落蝴蝶翅膀刚毛的照片被数字化为一种算法,该算法将彩色像素转换为与服装设计形式相对应的3D鬃毛图案。数字设计以创新的方式3D打印,无需任何支撑材料,直接在织物上。当衣服运动时,色彩鲜艳的刚毛刚毛和柔软的织物之间的关系产生了神秘的视觉效果。”

“The research explores digital setae pattern design and multi-color 3D printing on fabric, inspired by microscopic butterfly wing patterns,” reads Koerner’s website. “Butterfly wings are made up of membranes which are covered by thousands of colorful scales and hairs, plate-like setae. Photographs of the Madagascan Sunset Butterfly wing setae are digitized into an algorithm which translates the color pixels into 3D bristle patterns which correspond to the form of the garment design. The digital designs are 3D printed in an innovative way, without any support material and directly on fabric. The relation between the colourful rigid setae and the flexible fabric create enigmatic visual effects when the garment is in motion.”



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