3D打印 4D Texture:具有质感的 3D 表面形状改变方法

吃(you)了(bing)嘛 2020-06-12   4967

来自美国和中国的研究人员正在将数字制造和材料的质感提升到一个新的水平,他们在最近发表的“ 4D Texture:具有质感的3D表面的形状改变制造方法”中公布了他们的研究结果。

Researchers from both the US and China are taking digital fabrication and texture in materials to the next level, releasing the findings of their study in the recently published ‘4D Texture: A Shape-Changing Fabrication Method for 3D Surfaces with Texture.’

4D打印正在成为许多研究人员感兴趣的领域,但是像3D打印(甚至更多)一样,仍然存在着巨大的未知领域。用户能够超越3D打印的限制,以满足更复杂项目的紧迫需求,例如创建新的元结构,表面以及新的材料和技术。 4D打印为用户提供了更多超越3D的创新,他们也试图制造更复杂的几何形状。

4D printing is growing as an area of interest for many researchers, but like 3D printing—and even more so—there is still enormously uncharted territory. Users are able to move beyond the constraints of 3D printing to meet pressing needs for more complex projects like creating new metastructures, surfaces, and new materials and techniques. 4D printing offers more to users innovating beyond the 3D, seeking to fabricate more complex geometries too.


In this study, the authors introduce a new design approach called 4DTexture which they describe as a ‘holistic computational design and fabrication method, leveraging the state-of-the-art 4D printing process to make 3D surfaces with texture.’


Time and material consumption comparison between conventional printing and 4DTexture method.


Shape-changing principle: the textured structure can be printed without a support structure, which can transform into a 3D textured shape after heat triggering.


While the benefits of 3D printing are and continue to be vast for industrial users, 4D printing opens up new areas for fabrication that usually cannot be explored through conventional technology either. The new technique created in this study allows for actuators to be made with vertical texture structures—later to be turned into more complicated forms. The system runs on Rhino with Grasshopper, comprised of the following for preview and customization:

工作流程:用户可以(a)设计纹理元素,(b)执行器的形状,定义变换类型,(c)纹理的排列类型,(d)设置纹理趋势,然后(e )生成可以由FDM打印机打印的g代码文件,最终用户可以获得(f)可以热触发为(g)目标3D形状的已打印平板。

The workflow: users can (a) design the element of texture and (b) the shape of actuator, define the transformation type and (c) the arrange type of the texture, (d) set the tendency of the texture, then (e) generate the g-code file which can be printed by an FDM printer, finally users can obtain (f) the printed flat piece which can be heat triggered into (g) the target 3D shape.


Experiments were performed on textured structures as the researchers built up a ‘library’ consisting of shapes like hemispheres, pyramids, and hemicylinders. The program offers tools so that parameters can be customized; for example, designers can use offered 4D morphing mechanisms from previous projects or modify the settings if needed. Once the actuator shapes are set, textures can be arranged. Height and size can be chosen, and users can also move textures.

PLA与MakerBot Replicator 2X一起使用,因为研究人员使用硬件的默认值打印了样本纹理,从而产生了自升,自卷和自弯曲的对象。

PLA was used with a MakerBot Replicator 2X as the researchers printed sample textures using the defaults for the hardware, producing self-rising, self-coiling, and self-bending objects.


Transformation types: (a) self-rise (b) self-coil and (c) self-bend.


“The transformation mechanism can be controlled by the printing direction, which has been embedded into our system to simulate the behavior,” stated the researchers.


Just as 3D printing has allowed for a variety of different forays into fashion, 4D printing has too, bringing all the benefits of materials that can morph and shift as needed. In this study, the researchers fabricated fashion accessories, a modular toy, a haptic handle, and 3D fasteners.

服装设计:(a)平面印刷件; (b)装饰性场景。

Fashion design: (a) The flat printed piece; (b) The decorative scenario.

定制的触觉手柄:(a)平面印刷件; (b)使用场景。

Customized haptic handle: (a) The flat printed piece; (b) The usage scenario.

3D紧固件:(a)平面印刷件; (b,c)使用场景。

3D fasteners: (a) The flat printed piece; (b, c) The usage scenario.

研究人员总结说:“我们希望这样的系统可以通过爱好者FDM打印机扩展4D打印技术的设计机会。” “将来,我们计划实施系统的材料实验,以提高变换精度,并使用Grasshopper调整参数设置,以使设计工具更加人性化。我们还发现纹理结构可以用作受约束的层,需要进一步研究。”

“We hope such a system can expand the design opportunity of 4D printing technology with a hobbyist FDM printer,” concluded the researchers. “In the future, we plan to implement a systematic material experiment for improving transformation accuracy and fine-tune the parametric setting with Grasshopper to make the design tool more user-friendly. We also found that the texture structure can serve as a constrained layer which needs further investigation.”


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