3D打印 Anouk Wipprecht展示了新的3D打印的Proximity连衣裙,用于社交场合

菠菜plus 2020-06-03   4540

3D打印的智能连衣裙的可以保护人的亲近空间和个人空间,几年前,Anouk Wipprecht首次使用她的Spider Dress进行了研究。当在佩戴者的周围环境中发现有人时,连衣裙会形成物理障碍来阻隔人群。

The concept of a mechanical, 3D printed smart dress, to safeguard one’s proximity and personal space, was first explored by Anouk Wipprecht several years ago with her Spider Dress. In times of social distancing, the Dutch designers is presenting an evolution of that early work, extending her research into proxemics and the body. The new Proximity Dress creates physical barriers when a person is detected in the immediate surroundings of the wearer.

连衣裙基于热传感器做出响应,并指示穿着者周围私密空间人。每件衣服都使用内置在衣服中的自动3D打印装置和带有集成传感器的树脂3D打印透明衣领来延伸。该连衣裙还可以作为3D打印的理想应用案例研究。使用SLS(选择性激光烧结)尼龙PA-11 3D打印将伺服器固定在机械髋部上,以承受更大的压力。通过使用Objet Connex 500多材料polyjet 3D打印机和Stratasys的VeroClear材料进行3D打印,从而使3D打印的透明项圈更加美观。

These twin dresses respond based on proximity and thermal sensors and indicate strangers within the intimate, personal, social and public space around the wearer. Each dress extends itself using a robotic 3D printed hip mechanism, built into the dress, and a resin 3D printed transparent collar with integrated sensors. The dress also works as a perfect application case study for 3D printing. The hip mechanisms that are holding the servos to the mechanic hip parts are 3D printed using SLS (Selective Laser Sintering) nylon PA-11 to endure more stresses. The 3D printed transparent collar, which has a more aesthetic use, is 3D printed using an Objet Connex 500 multimaterial polyjet 3D printer and the VeroClear material from Stratasys.


“As with my earlier robotic Spider Dress and Smoke Dress,” she went on, “my designs are based on the Proxemics Theory of Edward T. Hall. This defines four spaces around the body, each with their own characteristic distances. Whereas Hall had to measure the space between people using a wooden stick, I have been working since 2007 to translate these concepts into the digital domain, in order to measure the spaces between people up to a range of 25 feet.”


The sensors provide virtually noise-free distance readings through the use of high-output acoustic power combined with continuously variable gain, real-time background automatic calibration, real-time waveform signature analysis, and noise rejection algorithms. This holds true even in the presence of various acoustic or electrical noise sources, making it suitable for on-body use.


Using such sensors allows the dresses to trace the world around them invisibly, and do not threaten privacy, as they do not record any video imagery: the people around the wearer remain anonymous.

* Proximity Dress 2.0基于Anouk Wipprecht在2012年制作的这件衣服的原型,该原型使用髋部机械装置为德国IAA期间的大众汽车展示创造了距离和接近传感器(超声波测距仪)。

* The Proximity Dress 2.0 is based on Anouk Wipprecht’s 2012 prototype of this dress using hip mechanics create distance and a proximity sensor (ultrasonic rangefinder) for VW showcase during IAA, in Germany.


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