3D打印 Fuller Moto 3D 打印未来摩托车

吃(you)了(bing)嘛 2020-05-20   5057

得克萨斯州达拉斯的哈斯摩托博物馆和雕塑馆收藏了从1899年至今的200多种独特摩托车,其中50辆是独一无二的。现在,它又增加了一套-一辆漂亮的定制电动摩托车,具有3D打印的钛金属零件,由乔治亚州亚特兰大的Fuller Moto制造。

The Haas Moto Museum and Sculpture Gallery in Dallas, Texas has an extensive collection of over 200 unique motorcycles ranging from 1899 to the present, 50 of which are one-of-a-kind. Now, it’s adding one more to the set – a beautiful custom electric motorcycle, featuring 3D printed titanium parts, built by Atlanta, Georgia-based Fuller Moto.

博物馆委托该公司以法国1929年Majestic摩托车的风格开发一种未来主义的概念,并将其与在那里展出的其他Fuller Moto自行车一起使用。多年来,我们已经看到了许多令人惊叹的定制3D打印摩托车,但是没有什么比这更好的了。富勒摩托(Fuller Moto)的2029年是一部真正的艺术品。

The museum commissioned the company to develop a futuristic concept in the style of the French 1929 Majestic motorcycle to join the rest of the Fuller Moto bikes on display there. We’ve seen a lot of amazing custom 3D printed motorcycles over the years, but nothing quite like this. Fuller Moto’s 2029 is a true work of art.

哈斯摩托博物馆和雕塑馆的藏家兼所有者鲍比·哈斯(Bobby Haas)在关于2029年的博客文章中说:“我们知道我们正在做从未有过的事情。没有实际的蓝图。我们不在生产周期。我们正在做的工作是滚动艺术。它是独一无二的。”

“We know we are doing something that has never been done before,” Bobby Haas, collector and owner of the Haas Moto Museum and Sculpture Gallery, said in a blog post about the 2029. “There is no actual blueprint.  We are not doing a production cycle.  We are doing a piece of work that is rolling art.  It is unique.”

1929年的Majestic本身就非常令人惊奇,Fuller Moto将其描述为代表一种新型摩托车的“具有前瞻性的现代设计”。因此,将原件放回原处以创造新的非常规现代艺术作品仍然是一个很高的要求,该作品仍将具有其前身的主要特征和美学。但是,在布莱恩·富勒(Bryan Fuller)的带领下,富勒Moto团队不仅完成了任务。

The 1929 Majestic was pretty amazing itself, described by Fuller Moto as featuring “a forward-thinking, modern design” representative of a new kind of motorcycle. So it was a pretty tall order to take the original and turn it on its head to create a new piece of unconventional modern art that would still have the main character and aesthetic of its predecessor. But the Fuller Moto team, led by Bryan Fuller, was more than up to the task.

富勒说:“在我的职业生涯中,很少有我们能创造出如此令人满意的东西。” “ 2029年既融合了我的创新动力,也融合了我对金属的热爱。”

“There are few times in my career that we have built something so gratifying,” Fuller said. “The 2029 combines both my drive to innovate and my love of metal.”


Building a motorcycle is a pretty similar process to what it once was, but modern technologies, like 3D printing, are helping to revamp the craft and develop creative new design possibilities – precisely the intent of the new 2029 bike.

富勒(Fuller)希望为2029年创造复杂的“下层设计元素”,而这些元素很难手工制作,这就是他决定采用金属3D打印技术制造摩托车底盘组件的原因。他受到人体骨骼以及车把和悬架零件的生成和参数化设计的启发,并与该公司的首席金属制造商Bryan Heidt合作,使这一概念更加充实。

Fuller was looking to create intricate, “next level design elements” for the 2029 that are very difficult to make by hand, which is why he decided on metal 3D printing to manufacture the chassis components for the motorcycle. He was inspired by human bones and generative and parametric designs for the handlebars and suspension parts, and worked with the company’s lead metal fabricator, Bryan Heidt, to fully flesh out the concept.

富勒说:“ 3D打印很像TIG焊接,一次只覆盖一层非常细的层。”

“3D printing is a lot like TIG welding, only a really fine layer at a time,” Fuller stated.

为了实现3D打印的摩托车零件的最佳形式和功能,海德提出了CAD模型尺寸,富勒·摩托将模型发送给了未来派设计师尼克·普格(Nick Pugh),他是电影概念艺术家,曾与迪士尼,福克斯,索尼等电影制片厂合作,以及Universal,如博客所述,为诸如《星球大战》等电影创建“视觉复杂的故事讲述”。这些零件是2029年摩托车的一些重要视觉元素,是由欧瑞康以坚固而轻巧的钛合金3D打印而成的。该材料具有很高的强度重量比,因此非常适合此类应用。

To achieve the best form and function for the 3D printed motorcycle parts, Heidt came up with CAD model dimensions, and Fuller Moto sent the models to futurist designer Nick Pugh, a movie concept artist who has worked with movie studios like Disney, Fox, Sony, and Universal to create, as the blog states, “visually complex story-telling” for movies such as Star Wars. The parts – some of the important visual elements of the 2029 motorcycle – were 3D printed by Oerlikon out of strong, yet lightweight titanium; the material has a very high strength to weight ratio, making it ideal for this type of application.


This electric motorcycle is one of a kind, with clear polycarbonate wheels, an unusual hub-centric steering instead of a traditional front fork setup, an enclosed sculptured aluminum body similar to the original, and the 3D printed parts. The unique steering plate mounted on the hub was 3D printed out of titanium, as was the front stabilizer arm on the outside of the front swing arm, which “captures almost a sword shape look.”

Fuller Moto团队在开发2029年非常规概念时考虑了摩托车的最新创新。例如,电动动力总成非常合适,因此零扭矩FX电动自行车的扭矩为78英尺/磅,功率为100英里范围,被用作基础。长度与1929年“雄伟”的长度匹配,但是备用底盘中的电池太高,电动机太低,因此富勒将其上下颠倒并修改了电池,因此它们的位置足够低,无法使电动机与23英寸的车轮对齐。

The Fuller Moto team took recent innovation in motorcycling into account while developing the unconventional concept for the 2029. For instance, an electric powertrain would be a good fit, so a Zero Motorcycle FX electric bike, with 78 ft/lbs of torque and a 100 mile range, was used as the foundation. The length matched that of the 1929 Majestic, but the batteries were too high in the stock chassis and the motor too low, so Fuller flipped it upside down and modified the batteries so they were positioned low enough to align the motor with the 23″ wheels.


The interior parts of the 2029 body were sprayed with a tinted blue in order to reflect the color onto the silver bike. Blue was chosen because it featured in the original 1929 Majestic emblem. The blog post goes into further detail about the bike’s manufacturing:

“初始轮廓是通过将1/4英寸的MIG钢棒焊接在一起并用螺栓固定在铝制底盘上制成的。这样可以将其从工作台上卸下并进行工作。由刨花板制成图案,然后成形。使用3003 H14 .063厚度形成面板。为了制作前后挡泥板区域的顶部凸脊,首先在中央打了一块4英寸宽的铝片。然后,在MultiCam WaterJet上将Pullmax模切成所需的形状并高速通过,从而在顶部边缘提供一致的流线型侧面轮廓。在下轮前的“ g”中有更完整的图案和形状。这些“腮”被构造成用于扩散穿过车身面板的空气,从而减少了阻力并填充了未使用的丑陋空间。”

“The initial outline was made with 1/4” steel rod MIG welded together and bolted on to the aluminum chassis.  This allowed it to be removed and worked from the bench.  Patterns were made from chipboard and then shaped.  3003 H14 .063 thickness was used to form the panels.  To make the top ridges of the front and rear fender areas, first a 4-inch wide piece of Aluminum was broken in the center.  Then a Pullmax die was cut on the MultiCam WaterJet to the shape desired and run through on high speed, providing a consistent streamlined side view profile to the top edge.  Fuller patterned and shaped in the “gills” in front of the low wheel.  The “gills” were constructed to be diffusers for the air that comes through the body panels, thereby reducing drag and also filling an unused and ugly space.”

带有3D打印部件的Fuller Moto 2029电动摩托车将在手工摩托车展上首次公开亮相。之后,它会在ShoGun和首席大使Fuller Moto自行车旁边的Haas博物馆的海关商店中展出。

The Fuller Moto 2029 electric motorcycle, with its 3D printed parts, will have a public debut during the Handbuilt Motorcycle Show. After that, it will go on display in the Haas Museum’s Custom Shop, right next to the ShoGun and Chief Ambassador Fuller Moto bikes.


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