家用电器 Bento Box 单功能电饭煲

go王梓钰1 2020-03-31   5197

如果您将大米作为日常饮食中的一部分,那么您可能会拥有一个电饭锅。如果您一个人住,您甚至可能拥有一个很小的电饭锅。但是,如果您真的只是为自己做饭,那么即使是那些小巧的三杯电饭锅,也会感觉有点太大。 Bento Box电饭锅可能被证明是更合适的选择。

If you eat rice as a regular part of your diet, chances are, you own a rice cooker. If you live alone, you might even own a very small rice cooker. If you’re really just cooking for yourself, though, even those tiny three-cup rice cookers can feel a little too big.  The Bento Box Rice Cooker might prove more to be a more suitable option.


Made by Thanko, it’s a bento box similar to the ones you use to put food in when packing lunch to work, except with a built-in heating element. That means, you can use the darn thing as a miniature rice cooker, so you can cook your rice first thing in the morning and take it along when you leave home for work. Heck, you can even just fill it up with uncooked rice, go to work, fill it with water in the pantry 10 minutes before lunch, and plug it in, so you can have freshly-steamed rice just in time for your mid-day meal.


The Bento Box Rice Cooker is an electric rice cooker clad in a bento box form factor, so you can make exactly one serving of rice each time out, instead of ending up with much more rice than you need every time you cook. Like any proper appliance, you can hook it up to a wall outlet using an included electric plug for cooking, with the option to detach the electric cable completely when not in use, so the darn thing looks like a regular bento box. Seriously, no one would even suspect that you can cook rice in this thing.

它带有一个量杯以及盒子内部的导向标记,因此您可以根据煮的饭量确切知道要放多少水。例如,将一瓢量杯完全倒入,需要将水加到盒子上的“ 1”标记处,而半杯则需要将水填充到“ 0.5”标记处。据我们所知,一个完整的勺子是容器可以容纳的最大空间,因此请确保贴在随附的量杯上,以免最终放得太多。

It comes with a measuring cup, along with guide markers on the inside of the box, so you know exactly how much water to put in based on how much rice you’re cooking. A full scoop of the measuring cup, for instance, will require you to add water up to the “1” marker on the box, while a half cup requires you to fill it with water up to the “0.5” marker. From what we can tell, a full scoop is the maximum the container will accommodate, so make sure to stick to the included measuring cup, so you never end up putting too much.

Bento Box电饭锅可在19分钟内煮一瓢米饭,在14分钟内可煮半勺米饭。是的,这不及普通电饭锅煮出大得多的米饭的速度快,但这是不必处理大量剩菜的折衷方案。另外,您可以在工作时煮米饭,这可能会吸引很多吃米饭的人们。它也应该安静地烹饪,不会产生可见的蒸汽,也不会溢出水(希望您遵循了引导标记),因为,我们猜测,加热元件只会升至相当低的温度,因此您甚至可以将其插入在您的办公桌上,而不会打扰任何人在工作。

The Bento Box Rice Cooker can cook a full scoop of rice in 19 minutes and a half scoop of rice in 14 minutes. Yes, that’s not nearly as fast as a regular rice cooker cooks a much bigger serving of rice, but that’s the tradeoff for not having to deal with a lot of leftovers. Plus, you can cook your rice while you’re at work, which will probably appeal to a good load of rice-eating folks. It’s supposed to cook quietly, too, producing no visible steam and no water overflowing (hopefully, you followed the guide markers), since, we’re guessing, the heating element only rises to pretty low temperatures, so you can even plug this in right on your desk without disrupting anyone at work.

Bento Box电饭煲仅在日本提供。价格大约是$ 63。

The Bento Box Rice Cooker is available only in Japan. Price is around $63.


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