数码3C Orbitkey Nest EDC 无线充电盒

仓鼠啃电脑 2020-03-30   5839

还记得Orbitkey,这是一种巧妙的袖珍工具,可将您的钥匙存放在瑞士军刀的外形尺寸中?这家公司的最新产品Orbitkey Nest可为您的其他EDC储藏物建立一个家,为您提供一种既方便又时尚的日常储藏物。

Remember Orbitkey, that clever pocket tool which housed your keys inside a Swiss Army Knife form factor? Yeah, we love that thing. The outfit’s newest product, the Orbitkey Nest, builds a home for the rest of your EDC stash, giving you a way to carry your daily stash that’s equal parts convenient and stylish.


Billed as a “portable desk organizer,” it’s a small case sized to hold your everyday essentials that you can carry by hand, all while looking right at home when sitting somewhere on your desk at work. Sure, you can always carry those things in an EDC pouch, but this case brings a few choice features that should make it a much better solution.

Orbitkey Nest是一款过时的常规塑料外壳,尺寸为9.5 x 4.7 x 1.6英寸(宽x深x高),可轻松拿在手中或放入笔记本电脑包中,因此无需任何操作即可直接使用额外的大惊小怪。不用让您去握住坚固的塑料外壳,而要用尼龙涤纶混纺面料盖住表壳,并用天然粒面皮革盖上盖子,所以整个感觉比普通的感觉要优雅得多。

The Orbitkey Nest is an erstwhile regular plastic case that measures 9.5 x 4.7 x 1.6 inches (width x depth x height), making it easy enough to carry in your hand or drop inside your laptop bag, so you can take it to work without any extra fuss. Instead of leaving you to grasp the stiff plastic shell, the cover the case body with a nylon-polyester mélange fabric and the lid with natural grain top leather, so the whole thing feels a whole lot classier than your run-of-the-mill EDC case.


The main compartment is, basically a tray whose layout you can customize using six included dividers, making it just that much easier to organize your gear instead of having them jumble together into an incorrigible mess during transit. There’s enough room in the tray to carry most gadgets and accessories you’re likely to bring to the office, from your phone and your mouse to your charging cables and your pocket knife of choice. At the inside of the lid sits multiple small pockets that you can use to hold memory cards, USB dongles, credit cards, and all sorts of other small items.

Orbitkey Nest具有双重功能的铰链机制,可让您翻转盖子或完全取下盖子以取回物品。这很重要,因为它使您在办公室时可以将托盘的盖子与托盘分开,从而使托盘中的所有物品都易于拿到,同时仍使在途中轻松取东西。顺便说一句,盖子的右侧有自己的下沉式托盘,您可以将其用作桌子上的额外存储空间,而左侧凸起的底部实际上隐藏了无线充电器,可让您使用它为所有Qi电池充电兼容的小工具。

The Orbitkey Nest has a dual-function hinge mechanism that allows you to flip the lid or remove it entirely to get access to the contents. This is important as it allows you to separate the lid from the tray when you’re in the office, which puts all the tray’s contents within easy reach, all while still making it easy to get stuff while you’re on the way to the office. The lid, by the way, has its own sunken tray on the right side, which you can use as additional storage on your desk, while the raised left side actually hides a wireless charger underneath, allowing you to use it to charge all your Qi-compatible gadgets.


An elastic loop closure on the exterior keep the case securely closed, so it will never accidentally open and spill all your stuff during your commute. The outfit claims the loop closure actually stays close even when you drop the case, while the dividers keep the stuff inside from ever moving around. The elastic loop, by the way, can be used to strap a small notebook on the exterior of the case, while a loop on the edge lets you secure a pen, so you can jot down notes at any time without having to open the case.


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