交通工具 KTM X-Bow GTX 专业为 GT2 比赛而设计

草原来的萨摩 2020-03-24   4582

尽管KTM以其摩托车而闻名,但他们的确有汽车王牌:X-Bow,最初于2008年推出,是小排量的跑车。在那十几年中,已经发布了无数款公路和赛道模型。看起来像是从前一个重大更新。全新的KTM X-Bow GTX仍在继续流行,其外观与原先的敞篷,准系统设计完全不同。

While KTM is best known for their motorcycles, they do have an automobile ace up their sleeve: the X-Bow, a low-volume sports car originally introduced in 2008. Over those dozen years, numerous road and track models have been released, each one looking like a radical update from the one that came before it. The new KTM X-Bow GTX continues on the trend with a vehicle that looks nothing like the open-top, barebones design of its original predecessor.

这款新赛车是赛道赛车,专为参加GT2级别比赛而设计,因此您可以期望它在官方比赛中与保时捷911,宝马E92和阿斯顿·马丁·范塔奇(Aston Martin Vantage)各种型号的赛车并驾齐驱。这意味着,除了提供更多动力外,这东西看上去比任何以前的迭代都更像一辆完整的汽车。

A track racer, the new vehicle is designed specifically to compete in the GT2 class, so you can expect to see it driving next to various flavors of Porsche 911, BMW E92, and Aston Martin Vantage cars in official races. That means, this thing looks more like a complete car than any previous iteration, apart from delivering even more power.

KTM X-Bow GTX是首款采用五缸动力装置的产品,由奥迪TTRS调校的2.5升发动机提供动力,输出功率超过600马力,这对于附近重量较大的汽车而言意义重大2,200磅。结合广泛的空气动力学车身,我们认为这可能会花费一些严重的加速时间,尽管该服装尚未公布任何官方性能数据。根据装束,这将是首款结合了同源单体外壳和同源GT轿厢以及同源高级座椅的汽车,可以根据要求添加。

The first of the line to sport a five-cylinder powerplant, the KTM X-Bow GTX is powered by a tuned Audi TTRS 2.5-liter engine that puts out over 600 horsepower, which is quite a lot for a car that weighs in the neighborhood of 2,200 pounds. Combined with the extensive aerodynamic bodywork, we imagine this can post some serious acceleration times, although the outfit hasn’t released any official performance numbers yet. According to the outfit, it will be the first car to combine a homologated monocoque and a homologated GT cage, as well as a homologated advanced seat, which can be added upon request.

KTM X-Bow GTX的前20个示例将在今年面世,与目前在野外发售的1,300多个X-Bows一起使用。

The first 20 examples of the KTM X-Bow GTX will be available this year, joining the 1,300 or so X-Bows currently out in the wild.


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