数码3C Radisson Senstrok 鼓槌传感器

Incubo_KO 2020-03-06   4933

打鼓很有趣。但是太响了。这就是为什么练习鼓垫变得流行的原因,因为它们使您可以练习敲打底鼓,敲打中央小鼓和其他许多演奏技巧,而又不会引起邻居抱怨。Redison Senstroke提供了另一种选择。

Playing drums is fun. Having a neighbor who plays drums? Not so much. The darn things are just too loud. That’s why practice drum pads have become popular, as they let you work on hitting backbeats, pounding on the center snare, and a whole host of other playing techniques without causing the neighbors to file a noise complaint. The Redison Senstroke offers another alternative.


Designed to let you play drums without any actual drums in sight, the system uses sensors that can mount on your drumsticks and your feet, allowing it to detect how you’re moving them at all times. Paired with the companion app, it can generate realistic percussion sounds, allowing you to simulate playing while creating very little noise from the comfort of your bedrrom.

Redison Senstroke传感器可以安装在任何类型的鼓槌上,因此,尽管公司也出售自己的鼓槌,但您可以使用自己的鼓槌,以防万一您是初学者,他们是第一次学习鼓槌。当您击打鼓的任何表面时,该应用程序可以准确地检测到您如何移动鼓槌和敲击脚,模拟在实际操作中会产生的完全相同的声音仪器。这就是说,您可以完全通过此练习来练习四肢协调,让您无需真正坐在架子鼓后面就能感受到打鼓的感觉。

The Redison Senstroke sensors can be attached to any type of drumsticks, so you can use ones already in your stash, although the company also sells their own sticks, in case you’re a beginner looking to learn the drums for the first time. According to the outfit, the app can detect exactly how you’re moving the sticks and tapping your feet as you hit whatever surfaces you’re using as the drums, simulating the exact same sound that will be produced if you were doing that on actual instrument. That means, you can practice your four-limb coordination completely with this thing, allowing you to feel what it’s like to play drums without ever actually sitting behind a drum kit.


It won’t just detect how you strike the skins, by the way, but even monitor the positioning and the rebound, varying the eventual sound based on that. This means, you can simulate more complex drum techniques, as it can potentially differentiate between a center snare and a rim shot, allowing you to use this for practice even as you progress in actual skill.

您可以使用哪些材料来练习Redison Senstroke?从枕头和笔记本到随意的纸板,任何东西都可以工作。顺便说一句,我们是使用书籍和笔记本的忠实拥护者,因为他们的硬纸板外皮可提供良好的游戏表面,而厚厚的树叶有助于产生更多的弹跳。不过,如果您想使其更具身临其境的感觉,该公司还出售11英寸的练习垫,该练习垫由5毫米厚的橡胶制成,据公司称,它将提供逼真的弹跳,类似于普通鼓。打击垫还可以产生比常规练习垫低50%的声音,这可能使它们比常规练习包更好。

What materials can you use to practice with the Redison Senstroke? Anything will pretty much work, from pillows and notebooks to random pieces of cardboard. We’re big fans of using books and notebooks, by the way, since their cardboard covers make for a nice playing surface while their thick pile of leaves help produce a little extra bounce. If you want to make it more immersive, though, the outfit also sells 11-inch practice pads made of 5mm-thick rubber that, the outfit claims, will offer a realistic bounce, similar to regular drums. The pads also produce sound that’s supposedly 50 percent quieter than regular practice pads, potentially making them a better option than a regular practice kit.

顺便说一下,这些传感器在两次充电之间最多可以运行12个小时,因此您可以练习整整半天,然后再对所有东西充电。另一方面,该应用程序可在iOS(10或更高版本),Android(8或更高版本)和Windows 10上使用。

The sensors, by the way, can run for up to 12 hours between charges, so you can practice for an entire half day before needing to charge everything. The app, on the other hand, is available on iOS (10 and higher), Android (8 and higher), and Windows 10.

Redison Senstroke可根据您的需要提供多种包装。传感器的价格为每个59欧元,标准套件为四个传感器,价格为219欧元。

The Redison Senstroke is available in a variety of packs, depending on your needs. Sensors are available for €59 apiece, with the standard kit getting you four sensors for €219.


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