鞋服箱包 能获得精确运行数据的 Nurvv Run 智能鞋垫

xeelee 2020-02-22   7291

大多数人都使用腕戴式设备(例如臂章,运动手表或功能齐全的智能手表)跟踪跑步情况。尽管这些功能可用于活动监视,但您仍可以通过腕上的传感器来测量脚的活动,从而对其准确性有些疑问。Nurvv Run应该能够获取更精确的信息。

Most people track their runs using a wrist-worn device, whether it be an armband, a sports watch, or a full-fledged smartwatch. As powerful as those things are for activity monitoring, you’re still measuring things your feet do with sensors on your wrist, making its accuracy just slightly questionable. The Nurvv Run should be able to acquire more precise information.


A sensor-equipped pair of insoles, the device captures its running data right from the part of your body that actually comes in contact with the ground, ensuring it gets the most precise readings with very little inference involved. They call it a “running lab on your feet,” which sounds nice, we guess. At any rate, it definitely feels more reliable than the usual measurements done on a wrist-strapped wearable.

Nurvv Run由鞋垫和类似软件狗的装置组成,它们悬挂在鞋的侧面,并不完全在脚下。我们猜测鞋垫可容纳大多数实际传感器,而加密狗可容纳其他电子设备,例如蓝牙芯片,板载存储和电池。板载总共32个传感器,该设备不仅可以识别脚踏圈速等常见数据,还可以识别更复杂的数据,例如步长,脚底敲击(它可以检测每个脚的前脚,中脚和后脚的使用方式、步幅),内旋(当脚撞击地面时脚如何滚动)以及左右脚之间的对称性。可以说,这可以获得使用传统活动跟踪器的人完全不同的数据。

The Nurvv Run consists of insoles with a dongle-like device that hangs by the side of your shoe, so it’s not entirely right under your feet. We’re guessing the insoles hold most of the actual sensors, while the dongle house other electronics like the Bluetooth chip, onboard storage, and battery. A total of 32 sensors are onboard, with the device able to identify not just common data like cadence, but more complex ones, such as step length, foot strike (it can detect how you use your forefoot, midfoot, and rear foot in each stride), pronation (how your foot rolls when it impacts the ground), and the symmetry between your left and right feet. Suffice to say, this can get data that’s totally unavailable to people using traditional activity trackers.


Based on the data it gathers, the device can give you’re a running health score, which indicates the sustainability of your current running style, how prone you might be to injury (based on both technique and training load), and how you can improve. It can also give you detailed tips on how to use technique to improve your running speed, as well as give you achievable goals to go after, so you can level up in controlled increments.

如果您手边有手机(iOS和Android)或Apple Watch(3系列及更高版本),并且电子语音可以直接将提示传送到耳机,那么Nurvv Run可以提供实时的指导锻炼。根据装备,它将提供实时步长和节奏指导,以保持您的步调,并提醒您各种里程碑(例如,当您加快步伐以打破个人记录时)。

The Nurvv Run can provide real-time coached workouts, provided you have your phone (iOS and Android) or Apple Watch (series 3 and above) on hand, with an electronic voice delivering prompts straight to your earphones. According to the outfit, it will give real-time step length and cadence coaching to keep your pace on track, as well as alerting you of various milestones (e.g. when you’re on pace to beat your personal record).


It works in any indoor or outdoor environment, so you can use it while running around the neighborhood, streaking across backcountry trails (it can handle rain, mud, and puddles), or sweating it up on a gym treadmill. It can be used without bringing your phone along, as well, with the system simply storing any data on the onboard storage, which it can then sync later when your phone is nearby. That means, if you don’t like wearing belt bags and vests to bring your phone along, you won’t have to.

Nurvv Run将于1月27日发货,价格为299.95美元。

Slated to ship January 27th, priced at $299.95.


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