家用电器 TC20 手震数据收集器,帮助帕金森患者享受轻松生活

闲se 2020-02-10   5386

TC20 是一款配备专业级技术和设计的产品,可以立即响应无法控制的摇动动作,并进行智能运动补偿,减少从手到勺子的摇动效果。 精确的尺寸,恰到好处的比例和符合人体工程学的设计符合其舒适的用户体验,满足不同用户对于产品的不同使用手势。 整体设计形式更符合一种自然舒适的生活方式,可以极为方便的带入到生活之中。

当患有帕金森病的人使用这种勺子时,它可以自动中和他们的手部抖动动作,并最大限度地减少无法控制的摇动移动频率的影响,让患者再次独立享受他们的食物。 通过海量数据采集和机器学习算法,基于对所有患者震颤的研究,GYENNO SPOON II 的效果将自动且持续地得到改善。让每一位帕金森患者享受轻松生活。


The Hand Tremor Data Collector is designed to collect data of hand tremor caused by Parkinson's disease, essential tremor or other disease, and counteracts the effects of tremors and shaky hands that may be related to conditions like Parkinson's or essential tremor.


The Hand Tremor Data Collector contains built-in sensors, motors, a computer, a wireless module, etc. The sensors actively detect the tremor, and the computer works to counteract the tremor by controlling the 2-orientation motors. And further, the tremor data will be transmitted to the cloud server via the wireless module, processed by specific algorithm on server side and get some statistics, then the hand tremor measurement results are finally displayed on the mobile application.


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