家用电器 Adaprox Fingerbot 智能电源插座

xeelee 2020-02-06   7603

智能电源插座很棒,因为它们可让您随时随地阻止并清除任何已连的电源。尽管这非常适合自动打开的电器和电子设备,但对于仍然需要按一下电源按钮才能开始使用的设备而言,它并没有真正的用处。Adaprox Fingerbot 可以更好地为您工作。

Smart power outlets are great, as they let you block and clear the passage of electricity to any connected item any time you please. While that’s great for use with appliances and electronics that turn on automatically, it’s not really useful for those you’ll still need to press a power button in order to get going. The Adaprox Fingerbot should work a whole lot better.


A single-purpose robot finger (or a very small robot arm, whichever you prefer), the device is designed to press any button or switch at your command, so you can turn on the TV, the helmet coffeemaker, or the living room light without being anywhere near its vicinity. Whether you want to start the coffee maker without getting out of bed, turn on the living room air-conditioning 15 minutes before you actually get home, or switch on the light in the basement before you go down there, this thing lets you do that without having to invest in expensive smart home devices or fiddle with your home’s electric wiring.

Adaprox Fingerbot由一个小立方体组成,该立方体的一侧有一个手指状的附件,可用来按下任何开关或按钮。每个都附带一个方形的3M VHB双面胶带,您可以将其粘贴在任何位置,您可以将其贴在桌面上,尖端指向电源按钮,以便您可以随时打开PC,也可以将其贴在墙上开关周围、咖啡机侧面或任何旁边的位置。

The Adaprox Fingerbot consists of a small cube with a finger-like appendage on one side, which it can use to press down on any toggle, switch, or button. Each one comes with a square strip of 3M VHB double-sided tape that you can place on any side to secure it to walls, desk surfaces, and even device enclosures. You can stick it to your desktop with the tip pointed at the power button to let you switch on your PC any time you please, as well as to a section around a wall switch, the side of your coffee maker, or right next to any device you want to automate to make them accessible to your smart home setup.


The finger appendage, by the way, can be lengthened with an extension or replaced entirely by one of four available fingers. There’s one with a capacitive tip for touchscreens, one for moving toggle controls, one designed specifically for wall switches, and one designed for toggle switches. They also offer spacers that you can attach to the sides of the device if you need to mount it at a taller height.

可以通过配套的应用程序(iOS和Android)控制Adaprox Fingerbot,您可以在其中跟踪所有Fingerbot并分别进行控制。您可以点击应用程序上的控件以触发手指移动,还可以设置计时器,因此您可以将咖啡机设置为在早上6点钟时冲泡一杯咖啡,这样您就可以下床饮用了。它还可以与Siri和Google Assistant集成,使用手机上的语音命令轻松触发任何手指。

The Adaprox Fingerbot can be controlled from a companion app (iOS and Android), where you can keep track of all your Fingerbots and control them individually. You can tap a control on the app to trigger a finger to move, as well as set timers, so you can set the coffee maker to brew up a batch as soon as the clock hits 6AM, so you can get off bed with a fresh pot ready and waiting. It can also integrate with both Siri and Google Assistant, so you can easily trigger any finger using voice command on your phone.

称为Adaprox Bridge的可选设备可以充当您家里安装的所有Fingerbot的中央控制点。如果您想编写自己的代码来控制它,则可以自行添加代码获得更多功能,包括Alexa支持,Google Home集成,IFTTT支持以及对云API的访问。

An optional device called Adaprox Bridge can act as a central control point for all Fingerbots installed in your home. Adding this opens them to even more functionality, including Alexa support, Google Home integration, IFTTT support, and access to the cloud API, in case you want to write your own code to control it.


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