家用电器 将 Alexa 放入了电子键盘的 Roland Go:Piano

oswald 2019-12-30   5338

Roland Go:Piano,亚马逊的虚拟助手现在可用于乐器。人们对它的实用性感到惊讶!

ter a few months, we were amazed at how useful people actually found it. Shortly after that, it began expanding outside of speakers and phones. And now, it’s everywhere. With the Roland Go: Piano, Amazon’s virtual assistant now makes its way to musical instruments.


That’s right, you can now get a musical keyboard with Alexa built in, so you can ask it questions, make it start the coffee maker, or even book a hotel reservation while practicing a song. No more breaking your flow to do something else. More importantly, it’s integrated with plenty of skills specific to the instrument, so you can do everything you would normally do by fiddling with buttons using just voice commands.

Roland Go:钢琴是一款61音符键盘,专为便携式使用而设计,因此您可以轻松地将其从您的公寓带到录音室,再到俱乐部的演出。它配备了乐队的钢琴声音引擎,可确保在演奏时像乐队的键盘一样富有表现力,任何有经验的钢琴演奏者都可以使用。与许多便携式键盘类似,它具有40种机载声音,包括原声钢琴、电钢琴、风琴、弦乐器、合成器等。

The Roland Go: Piano is a 61-note keyboard designed for portable use, so you can easily take it from your apartment to the studio to a show at the local club. It’s equipped with the outfit’s piano sound engine, ensuring it sounds just as expressive as any of the outfit’s keyboards, all while playing like any regular keyboard, so any experienced piano player can just plop down and start banging on the keys. Similar to many portable keyboards, it comes with 40 onboard sounds, including acoustic pianos, electric pianos, organs, strings, synths, and more, so you can make it sound like a variety of musical instruments.

按键上方的电容式控件使您可以控制不同的设置,从声音类型和音量到节拍类型等等。不过,有了Alexa,您甚至不必使用这些物理控件,因为您可以简单地告诉它要更改的设置。想要打开节拍器以正确计时,只要告诉Alexa;想要播放新的伴奏,只要告诉Alexa。您甚至可以让Alexa在您的Amazon Music播放列表中拉起一首歌曲,然后通过键盘的扬声器播放它。

Capacitive controls right above the keys allow you to control different settings, from sound type and volume to beat type and more. With Alexa on board, though, you don’t even have to use those physical controls, as you can simply tell it what setting you want to change. Want to turn on the metronome to get your timing right? Just tell Alexa. Want a new backing beat to play to? Just say the words and Alexa will do your bidding. You can even have Alexa pull up a song on your Amazon Music playlist and play it through the keyboard’s speaker, so you can play along to it.

Roland Go:钢琴的扬声器实际上是常规的Alexa设备,您可以使其播放Spotify播放列表、阅读新闻标题以及其他各种有用的任务。最重要的是,键盘还可以录制要上传到云存储的演奏,您可以以后检索它们并进行播放。它还具有Alexa的特殊耳部训练技能,您可以使用它来增强音乐感,还可以与Roland的Piano Partner 2应用程序(iOS和Android)配对,该设备是学习弹奏钢琴的平台。其他功能:可容纳6个AA电池的电池插槽(用于在路上演奏),三个月的免费Skoove钢琴课以及不到9磅的重量。

The Roland Go: Piano’s speaker actually serves as a regular Alexa device, so you can have it blasting your Spotify playlist, read your news headlines, and all sorts of other useful tasks. We don’t know the quality of the onboard speaker, though, so we’re not quite sure whether you’ll actually want to use this as an everyday Alexa machine. On top of all that, the keyboard can also record performances for uploading to cloud storage, where you can retrieve them later for playback. It’s also got a special Alexa skill for ear training, which you can use to sharpen your musical sensibilities, as well as the ability to pair with Roland’s Piano Partner 2 app (iOS and Android), the outfit’s platform for learning to play the piano. Other features include battery slots for six AA cells (for playing on the road), three months of free Skoove piano lessons, and a weight of less than nine pounds.


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