数码3C Boss Waza-Air:一款独立的无线数字吉他放大耳机

❤狍子❤ 2019-12-17   6583

数字功放非常适合练习使用,因为您可以将其设置为以非常低的音量进行演奏,在弹吉他时,不会被邻居提出噪音投诉。问题是,将声音设置得非常低真的非常令人不满意,这使您无法真正享受正在制作的所有声音。此时 Boss Waza-Air 提供了最好的选择。

Digital amps make for great practice amps, as you can set it to play at very low volumes, so you can work on your guitar playing without prompting the neighbors to file a noise complaint. Problem is, playing with the sound set really, really low is deeply dissatisfying, keeping you from truly enjoying all the sounds you’re producing. Yes, you can plug a pair of headphones into an amp, so you can crank up the volume as loud as you want, but the Boss Waza-Air offers a more compact alternative.


Instead of having to plug headphones into a guitar amp, these headphones are equipped with all the hardware necessary to serve as a dedicated amp, so you can practice your riffs, slides, and vibratos with nothing but a guitar and headphones in tow. That way, you can quietly work on your electric guitar skills whether you’re at home, in the park, or anywhere else.

Boss Waza-Air是一副看起来正常的无线耳机,随附加密狗,可插入您的电吉他。它没有包含像普通耳机那样的声音驱动器,而是采用了与该公司的Katana放大器相同的数字放大器技术,允许它从吉他中拾取电信号并将其转换为放大后的声音,使耳机可以直接吹入您的耳朵。因为它是数字的,所以它也不限于单一声音,该系统使您可以访问五种不同的放大器类型(包括一种用于贝司和人声),50种可自定义的伴奏应用程序效果,以及六个存储插槽。

The Boss Waza-Air is an erstwhile normal-looking set of wireless headphones, with an accompanying dongle that plugs into your electric guitar. Instead of containing sound drivers like normal headphones, though, it’s fitted with the same digital amp technology as the outfit’s Katana amplifiers, allowing it to pick up electrical signals from your guitar and turn it into amplified sounds the headphones can blast directly into your ears. Because it’s digital, it’s not restricted to a single sound, either, with the system giving you access to five different amp types (including one for bass and vocals), 50 customizable effects available from the companion app, and six memory slots right on the headphones for your favorite settings.


A built-in gyro sensor allows it to track your head movement, while the outfit’s proprietary spatial technology automatically adjusts the tone and volume to simulate a sense of space and dynamic sound localization. Three spatial algorithm options are offered, namely Surround (simulates the feel of a recording studio), Static (simulates playing in a room), and Stage (simulates the sounds when playing onstage). That way, it doesn’t feel like you’re playing in a tiny bedroom with a pair of headphones, which, we guess, would make everything feel more immersive. It also has an onboard tuner with audible tone guides, so you can make adjustments right from the ear cup, although you’ll get more options using the visual chromatic tuner from the companion app.

Boss Waza-Air配备了50mm的大型驱动器,可以发出令人满意的声音,同时具有足够的音量,以及宽阔的可调节头带和贴合的耳垫,无论您的耳朵形状如何,它们都将感到舒适。双向设计使其可以在中间向下折叠,以提高便携性,使您在旅途中轻松携带。顺便说一下,耳机和发射器均由电池供电,一次充满电,耳机可播放5个小时,而发射器最多可使用12个小时。

The Boss Waza-Air is fitted with large 50mm drivers, so it can deliver some satisfying sound with plenty of volume, as well as a wide adjustable headband and conforming ear pads, so they’ll feel comfortable, regardless of your ear shape. A two-way design allows it to fold right down the middle for better portability, making it easy to take with you on the road. Both the headphones and the transmitted are battery-powered, by the way, with the headphones getting five hours of playback in one full charge and the transmitter holding up to 12 hours’ worth of juice.

Boss Waza-Air现已上市,价格为$ 400。

The Boss Waza-Air is available now, priced at $400.


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