交通工具 Lego Technic Top Gear 拉力赛车装置

oswald 2019-12-05   5479

Top Gear 带来了最好的礼物:一辆全新的跑车。这款 Lego Technic Top Gear Rally Car 应该会是你最好的选择。

What’s the best gift you can a Top Gear fan this holiday season? A brand new sports car, of course. Since that isn’t a likely option, given the current status of your bank account, we imagine this Lego Technic Top Gear Rally Car will put a smile on their face all the same.

这是一套 Technic 装置,这意味着该产品将附送电动机,让您可以当做驾驶赛车般横冲直撞,享受驾驶快乐。无论您是长期的 Technics 收藏家,还是赛车玩具迷或者只是精通汽车的书呆子,这个产品都可能成为您最有趣的玩具,可以让您玩的废寝忘食。

That’s right, it’s a Technic set, which means this thing will come with a motor to accompany that beautiful rally car body, so you can drive it, race it, and crash it against the wall for whatever joy it may bring your way. Whether you’re a longtime Technics collector, a fan of racing toys, or just a consummate automotive nerd, this thing will likely make for a fun toy that can keep you busy for hours.

Lego Technic Top Gear Rally Car 是一款非基于某辆特定汽车的车型,而是 Lego 和 Top Gear 团队多年来各种拉力赛车的综合体。这是一辆非常大的汽车,除非您喜欢看遥控车不断撞到物体,否则请在室外驾驶它。

The Lego Technic Top Gear Rally Car is a vehicle model that doesn’t appear to be based on a single particular car. Instead, we’re guessing this is a composite of various rally cars that the team from both Lego and Top Gear have encountered over the years, albeit with STIG and Top Gear branding. It’s a pretty big car, too, making it the kind of car you’re more likely to drive in an outdoor setting rather than the living room, unless you enjoy watching your remote controlled vehicle constantly running into objects.

它总共有 463 个 LEGO 元素,包括一个大型电机、一个XL电机和一个蓝牙智能集线器。您通过配套应用程序与汽车交互,该应用程序允许您通过多点触摸手势和陀螺仪控件来控制汽车。该应用程序带有挑战和成就,因此除了最初的组装之外,您还可以参与其他游戏。

A total of 463 LEGO elements are in the set, including a large motor, one XL motor, and a Bluetooth smart hub. The latter allows you to interface with the car via a companion app, which allows you to control the car via multi-touch gestures and gyro controls. The app, by the way, comes with challenges and achievements, so you have additional games to partake in beyond the initial building project.


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