家用电器 HomeLabs 家用快速制冰机

go王梓钰1 2019-11-22   6098

在家制冰很容易,将水倒在冰格上,放入冰柜中,大约三小时后回来。 是的,三个小时漫长的等待,只是为了获得一些冰块,但是真的有更好的选择吗? 当然就是 HomeLabs 台式制冰机了。

It’s easy enough to make ice when you’re at home. Pour water on the ice tray, put it in the freezer, and come back in around three hours. Yes, three hours is a heck of a long time to wait just to get some ice cubes, but is there really a better option? Apparently, there is in the form of the HomeLabs Countertop Ice Maker.

小型台式制冰机尺寸为9.5 x 12.9 x 14英寸(宽x高x深),可让您更快速制冰,从而避免了等待冷冻的时间 。它不会花几个小时才能让您享受冰块,而是将等待时间缩短至仅几分钟,您在播放几首曲目之后就可以获得一些冰块。

A small countertop ice machine measuring 9.5 x 12.9 x 14 inches (width x height x depth), it lets you make ice at a much faster rate, sparing you from hours of waiting for the freezer to turn the water into a rock-solid state. Seriously, instead of holding out for hours before you can enjoy some ice cubes, it cuts the waiting time down to just minutes, allowing you to get yourself some proper ice after just a couple of tracks on your Spotify playlist.

HomeLabs柜台式制冰机仅需六到八分钟即可将室温下的水变成冰块(如果长时间关闭机器,则延长至约15分钟),从而大大减少了您等待冰块的时间 。每2.2升水(集成水库的最大容量),可以吐出1.5磅的冰,单批提供大量的冰。如果连续运行24小时,那么冰量就高达26磅。

The HomeLabs Countertop Ice Maker can turn room-temperature water into ice in just six to eight minutes (although that extends to around 15 minutes if the machine’s been turned off for a long time), cutting down your waiting time for ice in a significant manner. It can crank out 1.5 pounds of ice with every 2.2 liters of water (which is the integrated reservoir’s maximum capacity), allowing you to make a generous supply of ice in just a single batch. When ran continuously for a 24-hour period, that amounts to a whopping 26 pounds of ice, so you can fill up an entire cooler using this thing, provided you’re willing to sit down and make one batch of ice after another.

该公司声称,它可以生产出子弹形的小冰块,可放入水瓶或罐装、瓶装饮料中,这样您就可以将不冷不热的饮料浸入冰中。最重要的是,它的尺寸仅为9.5 x 12.9 x 14英寸,可以安装在任何台面上,因此您可以使用它作为在路上行驶时快速制冰的方法。

It produces small bullet-shaped ice cubes that, the outfit claims, are designed to fit inside water bottles, allowing you to drop them in both canned and bottled drinks, so you can steep your lukewarm drinks in ice without having to pour them into a separate cup. Most importantly, it does that while measuring just 9.5 x 12.9 x 14 inches, allowing it to fit in most any countertop on both homes and RVs, so you can use this as a way to make ice quickly whenever you’re on the road.


The HomeLabs Countertop Ice Maker uses a compressor that, the outfit claims, requires a low amount of energy to cool, further making it suitable for keeping in your van, camper, or trailer, since it won’t put a serious drain on your power supply. It situates the water reservoir below the ice basket, so any melted ice goes right back to the tank, allowing you to turn it into ice once more, while an integrated sensor is able to identify any time the ice basket is full, automatically triggering it to shut down the compressor.


Do note, there is no integrated cooling system or insulation in the ice basket, so any ice in there will melt pretty fast if you don’t scoop it out. To ensure it doesn’t, make sure you retrieve any ice as soon as it’s made, then put it in the cooler or freezer to keep it for a while lot longer.


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