数码3C 将相机的镜头放大,将智能手机变成手持摄影机!

❤狍子❤ 2019-11-11   5602

这是Youmeus Design于2011年为Lumix委托创作的“ Girls Night Out”相机,当时智能手机非常时髦,没有那些令人讨厌的相机凸起。

This piece isn’t really about the camera in the article, but is rather a point I’m trying to make through this camera concept that popped up while I was searching the internet for content. Just to satisfy your own curiosity, this is the Girls Night Out camera, created by Youmeus Design as a commissioned work for Lumix in 2011, when the smartphones were thicc enough to not have those godawful camera bulges.


Fast-forward to today, present-day-2019. Phones are getting thinner, but cameras larger. The result, an unsightly hump on the top of almost every smartphone you see today. The hump’s only actual credit is that it clicks some remarkable pictures… it is, otherwise, a visual and physical weak-point in smartphone design. But camera bulges aren’t going anywhere, are they, so what’s really stopping us from adding a few more millimeters to them and turning them into full-blown photography tools with large lenses, large sensors, and the ability to be physically great cameras, rather than being computationally great ones?

2011年的一款便携式摄像机,但是如果您花一点时间查看倒数第二张图片,则感觉就像是配备了Pictar Pro或Moment风格配件的智能手机。为什么不只是做一个凸起(任何小于半英寸的凸起就可以了),然后像手持摄像头一样在手机边缘添加镜头。拥有一个旋转的屏幕以方便拍摄,并且您拥有一部手机,虽然它虽然很厚,但表面上看起来却是最惊人的相机。整个凸块都可以用来增加坚固的稳定装置,而且您将镜头放在边缘而不是表面上,这意味着您可以将圆柱形凸块真正地转换为具有令人难以置信的远摄功能的镜头。更不用说更厚的手机也会让您拥有更厚的电池。并不是说这种格式将是最受欢迎的一种,但是创意总是从不可思议的想法开始的!

The concept below is literally a handycam from 2011, but if you take a second to look at the second-last image, it almost feels like a smartphone with one of those Pictar Pro or Moment-style accessories. So here’s my hot take… why not just make a bump that isn’t too large (anything less than half an inch is great), and add the lens on the edge of the phone, like a handycam. Have yourself a swiveling screen for easy filming purposes and you’ve got yourself a phone that is admittedly thick, but would ostensibly have the most amazing camera on it. The entire bump could be utilized to add a hefty stabilization unit, and the fact that you’ve got the lens on an edge, rather than a surface, means you can literally turn that cylindrical bump into a lens with incredible telephoto capabilities. Not to mention a thicker phone would also allow you to have a thicker battery. Not saying the format would be a sureshot crowd-favorite, but hey, anything’s better than those ridiculous flexible display phones, am I right? I mean, if you’re going to add millimeters to a smartphone, at least give it a great camera!


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