家居生活 食物版电锯惊魂!不!Mighty Carver 只是一个电动雕刻刀!

go王梓钰1 2019-11-05   5916

它看起来像玩具电锯, 不过,Mighty Carver 并不是要作为儿童的万圣节道具。 相反,它是一把电动雕刻刀,可用于将感恩节火鸡切成可准备晚餐的食用份量。

It looks like a toy chainsaw. You know, the kind your kid will be wielding around in Halloween while dressed in his killer Leatherface regalia. The Mighty Carver, though, isn’t intended as a children’s Halloween prop. Instead, it’s a motorized carving knife that you can use to slice that Thanksgiving turkey into dinner-ready serving-size pieces.

没错,Mighty Carver不是真正的电锯,所以不要指望在餐桌上切开烤鸡的骨头(也不能切开冷冻食物),但是它确实有足够的力量切开肉类、农产品和类似食物。

That’s right, you can finally ditch the boring carving knife into a more exciting one that will carve through your turkey with as much violence as a chainsaw digs through a tree trunk. No, it isn’t an actual chainsaw, so don’t expect to cut through the bone of the roasted bird on your dinner table (it won’t cut through frozen food either), but it does have enough cutting muscle to slice through meats, produce, and similar items without all that back-and-forth motion.

Mighty Carver 是一把像微型电锯一样的电动雕刻刀,它的刀片可在按下按钮时自动前后移动。 刀片由手术级不锈钢制成,具有锋利的机加工边缘,可用于切割肉类物品,就像伐木工人的电锯一样操作,让您动作看起来最酷。每天早餐时,您都可以使用这把刀将面包切成薄片或者在下午点心时切水果等。

The Mighty Carver is an electric carving knife clad in the likeness of a miniature chainsaw, with a blade that moves back-and-forth automatically at the push of a button. Made from surgical-grade stainless steel, the blade sports a razor-sharp, machine-cut edge for cutting through meaty items with as little work as possible, all while being handled like a lumberjack’s chainsaw, so you can look like the coolest dad ripping through the roasted turkey on Thanksgiving. And yes, you can use the same knife to cleanly slice through loaves of bread every breakfast, a block of chocolate for dessert, or meaty fruits during afternoon snacks.

背面的手柄使您可以像握一把普通的刀一样握住它。 不过,为了获得最大的视觉愉悦,可以使用顶部手柄,来达到电锯的美感,使您看起来好像在做一些比准备一顿饭来更加强烈的事情。

A handle in the back allows you to hold it like a regular knife (if that’s your thing), albeit without the need for moving the blade back-and-forth. For maximum visual delight, though, make sure to also use the top handle, which completes the chainsaw aesthetic, making you look like you’re performing something far more intense than prepping a bunch of food for dinner.

Mighty Carver的尺寸为19 x 5.8 x 8.7英寸(长x宽x高),因此比实际的电锯要小得多,可让您将其保存在厨房的某个地方,而不是后院的工作棚。 Mighty Carver 不是电池供电的,因此在进行电动雕刻之前,您必须将其接入电源,因此带到餐桌上并不是方便的事情,因为孩子们围着厨房跑来跑去可能会导致电源线跳闸。

The Mighty Carver measures 19 x 5.8 x 8.7 inches (length x width x height), so it’s way smaller than an actual chainsaw, allowing you to keep it somewhere in the kitchen instead of the work shed in the backyard. Granted, it’s not small enough to fit into kitchen drawers, although you can probably find a shelf or cabinet that will be able to accommodate it. Do note, it’s not battery-powered, so you’ll have to plug it in to a wall outlet before it will perform the motorized carving, so it’s not the most convenient thing to bring to the dinner table, since kids running around the kitchen will probably trip on the power cable (and, yes, no amount of telling them to cut it will make them stop).


Both the blade and the bar can be easily released for cleaning, with the blade coming off with the push of a button and the bar coming off with a simple pull. It comes paired with a carving knife, just in case you’re outfitting a bare kitchen with none of the essentials just yet. Do you need this in your life? Probably not. Will it make you happier to have a chainsaw that’s actually a carving knife? Absolutely.


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