交通工具 KISKA 下一代摩托车设计 VITPILEN701 AERO

饿殍 2019-11-04   5500

KISKA 是一个独立的设计工作室,有超过260位的设计师、战略家、工程师和建模师,在其奥地利总部以及德国、美国和中国等地工作。他们跨行业工作并整合创意,设计出理想的产品和品牌。

KISKA is an independent design studio. More than 260 designers, strategists, digital experts, engineers, and modelers work in their Austrian headquarters, as well as in Germany, the United States, and China. Working across industries and integrating creative fields, they design desirable products and brands. KISKA believes in designing for brands that dare. Apply now to be a part of this revolutionary environment!

VITPILEN701 AERO 是 Husqvarna的摩托车和基斯卡之间的合作产生的,并建立在 VITPILEN 系列独特设计。

An Automotive Brand Contest winner, the VITPILEN 701 AERO Concept is a collaboration between Husqvarna Motorcycles and KISKA, and builds on the unique design approach that runs through the VITPILEN series.


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