家居生活 Arcade 1 Up Head 2 Head 娱乐游戏桌

请叫我大神 =**= 2019-10-24   4688

还记得当您计划购买立式拱廊柜时,您认为这将打造一个完整的娱乐室吗? 一段时间后,你会发现也许需要一个新的弹球机、台球桌或一个鸡尾酒游戏柜,例如Arcade 1 Up Head 2 Head Gaming Table。

Remember when you were planning on getting a stand-up arcade cabinet and you thought that would complete your rec room setup? Well, it did for a while, until you sat there one evening and felt like something’s missing. Maybe, it needs a new pinball machine, a pool table, or a cocktail game cabinet like the Arcade1Up Head 2 Head Gaming Table.

它是一个鸡尾酒风格的游戏桌,可让另一个人坐在您对面一起在游戏中玩耍。 这样,您就可以在嘲笑他的同时看着他的脸,而不必像在立式拱廊柜上那样向侧面看。

A cocktail-style gaming table, it lets you duke it out in two-player games with another person sitting right in front of you. That way, you can look at their face while you hurl mockery and insults their way, instead of having to do a sideways glance like you would on a standing arcade cabinet. No more trying to guess what their face looks like while you execute a finishing combo in Street Fighter, just look up and see the horrified expression forming right in front of you.

Arcade1Up Head 2 Head游戏桌是拱廊鸡尾酒式游戏桌的较小版本。 它们的尺寸为23.6 x 35.7 x 25.2英寸(深度x宽度x高度),这尺寸使其比很多茶几小。 

The Arcade1Up Head 2 Head Gaming Table is a smaller version of the cocktail-style gaming tables found in arcades at the turn of the century. Measuring 23.6 x 35.7 x 25.2 inches (depth x width x height), they make an ideal size for finding room somewhere in your house, since those dimensions make them smaller than a whole lot of coffee tables. Heck, you can put this thing between two armchairs and use it like a side table that you can game on when you need to scratch that old arcade itch.

每张桌子的中央都有一个17英寸的全彩液晶显示屏,两端的玩家都可以清楚地看到它,双扬声器可以播放90年代那些震撼人心的声音。 在桌子的每一端都设有控制台,控制台将一个全尺寸的操纵杆与三个操作按钮结合在一起,使您可以沉迷于游戏。 顺便说一句,每张游戏桌仅重65磅,因此它们应该非常容易在家中移动。

Each table gets a 17-inch full-color LCD in the middle that players on either end should be able to see well, with dual speakers blasting all those bleeping-and-blooping 90s arcade sounds. At each end of the table sit the control decks, which combine a full-size joystick with three action buttons each, allowing you to mash your way to an evening of retro gaming bliss. Each gaming table weighs only 65 pounds, by the way, so these should be easy enough to move around at home – way easier than your usual arcade cabinet.

Arcade 1 Up Head 2 Head游戏桌有两种变体:吃豆人和街头霸王。 如果您想在游戏空间中获得更多享受,则两者都可以装在全黑的机柜中。 顺便说一下,《吃豆人》内配备了八种不同的游戏,分别是《吃豆人》,《吃豆人Plus》,《吃豆人》,《超级吃豆人》,《帕克玛尼亚》,《吃豆人》,《加拉加》和《 DigDug》。 另一方面,Street Fighter模型有12款游戏,分别是Street Fighter,Street Fighter II:World Warriors,Street Fighter II:Turbo Hyper Fighting,Super Street Fighter II The New Challengers,Super Street Fighter II Turbo,Dark Stalkers ,突击队,Final Fight,Ghost N Goblins,Strider Moto Kikaku和1944:Loop Master。

The Arcade1Up Head 2 Head Gaming Table comes in two variants: Pac-Man and Street Fighter. Both come in either all-black cabinets or a more colorful variant, in case you want more cheerful hues in your gaming space. The Pac-Man cabinet, by the way, comes with eight different games, namely Pac-Man, Pac-Man Plus, Pac & Pal, Super Pac-Man, Pacmania, Pac-Land, Galaga, and DigDug. The Street Fighter model, on the other hand, gets 12 games, namely Street Fighter, Street Fighter II: The World Warriors, Street Fighter II: Turbo Hyper Fighting, Super Street Fighter II The New Challengers, Super Street Fighter II Turbo, Dark Stalkers, Commando, Final Fight, Ghost N Goblins, Strider Moto Kikaku, and 1944: Loop Master.

显示器可以将屏幕分为两半,每一半都显示彼此的镜像。 这样,两端的两个玩家都可以正确观看对方的游戏玩法。

In case you’re wondering how the display works, the screen basically gets divided into two halves, with each half showing a mirrored feed of each other. That way, both players on each end get to see the game properly for two player gameplay. We imagine the entire screen shows a single game, though, for one-player action.


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