智能设备 卡诺(Kano)《星球大战》编码套件 -- 让孩子们在遥远的银河中编程

xeelee 2019-10-16   4968

从魔术棒和乐高机器人到机器人手套,我们已经看到了很多在教孩子们如何编码的玩具。 说实话,我们不知道有多少人真正能做到了这一点。 卡诺星球大战原力编码套件也做同样的事情。 不过,您无需编写程序来编写随机对象,而是编写代码来控制光剑,飞行员银河战斗机,并影响在遥远的银河系中发生的众多战斗的结果。

From magic wands and LEGO robots to a robo-gauntlet and more, we’ve seen plenty of toys designed to teach kids how to code. Truth be told, we don’t know how many of them actually succeed at doing that. The Kano Star Wars The Force Coding Kit does the same thing. Instead of programming random objects, though, you write code to control lightsabers, pilot galactic fighters, and influence the outcome of the many battles taking place in a galaxy far, far away.

没错,该套件无需您编写无聊的灯光,声音和传感器。 取而代之的是,您正在编写代码以使用“力量”使R2-D2悬浮,在小行星场上驾驶X翼,或者歼灭一支突击队的进攻小队,使您经常使用的灯光,声音和传感器不再乏味。

That’s right, this kit doesn’t have you programming boring lights, sounds, and sensors. Instead, you’re writing code to levitate R2-D2 using the Force, pilot an X-Wing through an asteroid field, or annihilate an attacking squad of Stormtroopers, making the lights, sounds, and sensors you’re playing with a whole lot less boring than they should be.

Kano x Star Wars Force编码套件包含三个组件:蓝牙运动传感器,循序渐进的故事书以及可在PC和平板电脑(iOS,Mac和Windows)上运行的配套应用。蓝牙运动传感器来未组装,要求孩子们把它们放在一起,这样他们就可以得到组装硬件的味道。 但是,一旦构建完成,运动传感器就可以使它们使用类似Force的手势与软件进行交互,因此您可以像熟练的Jedi一样挥挥手来收下银河战舰。

The Kano x Star Wars Force Coding Kit consists of three components: a Bluetooth motion sensor, a step-by-step storybook, and a companion app that runs on both PCs and tablets (iOS, Mac, and Windows). The Bluetooth motion sensor comes unassembled, requiring kids to put them together, so they can get a taste of assembling hardware. Once built, however, the motion sensor allows them to interact with the software using Force-like gestures, so you can take down galactic warships with a wave of a hand like a masterful Jedi.


Once you’ve assembled the sensor, launch the app, and open the storybook to get started. The storybook, along with the app, guides you through different programming challenges, all of which are tied in to the struggle between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire. The action plays out right on the screen, with ships, characters, and weapons acting accordingly to your code’s bidding, allowing you to steer the events that transpire into your desired outcomes. From what we can tell, this is likely to make for more compelling coding challenges, as it immerses kids into the world of the epic space-opera while teaching them the intricacies of writing code.

Kano x Star Wars Force Coding Kit的故事书使您从编码的基础入手,然后在获得更多经验的基础上继续进行更高级的课程。 在某些情况下,您需要编写代码来从电影中重新创建场景,而其他情况则将新场景作为难题,您可以使用代码来解决,将编程挑战与《星际大战》系列的星际冒险联系在一起。 编写代码后,该界面可轻松交换角色,插入载具和添加其他元素,从而使您可以使用代码定制场景。 是的,就像观看动画片一样,您可以完全掌控故事中发生的一切。 什么孩子不喜欢那个?

The Kano x Star Wars Force Coding Kit’s storybook starts you off in the basics of coding, then moves you on to more advanced lessons as you get more experience. Some of the situations you need to code recreate scenes from the movies, while others present new scenes as puzzles you can solve using code, tying the programming challenges with the intergalactic adventures of the Star Wars franchise. Once you’ve written a code, the interface makes it easy to swap characters, insert vehicles, and add other elements, allowing you to tailor scenes with code. Yep, just like watching a cartoon where you have full control of what happens in the story. What kid wouldn’t be into that?

顺便说一句,运动传感器配备了3,000 mAh电池,可以容纳足够的电量,使两次充电之间可以连续运行3个小时。 其他功能还包括两个USB插槽(因此您可以将其绑定到PC进行扩展播放)和一个3.5毫米插槽,用于连接耳机或扬声器。

The motion sensor, by the way, comes with a 3,000 mAh battery, which can hold enough charge to keep it running for three hours between charges. Other features include two USB slots (so you can tether it to the PC for extended play) and a 3.5mm slot for hooking up to headphones or speakers.

Kano x Star Wars Force编码套件现已上市,价格为79.99美元。

The Kano x Star Wars Force Coding Kit is available now, priced at $79.99.


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