智能设备 外卖机器人“FAN”,给你最贴心的温暖!

仓鼠啃电脑 2018-05-23   5668


中文描述 产品介绍: 无论你在哪里,总有人牵挂。 产品创新点: 一、"凡"外卖机器人,并非传统意义上的外卖餐点配送机器人,基于现有技术设计,只需通过手机端的APP设定时间路途下单,无论你在哪,它都可以送达;同时,自带的净水补给功能,自动定点添加水源,自我过滤净化加热,以及可控恒温物仓设计,使得无论你处于何时何地,总会感到贴心的温暖; 二、在外观上,抛弃了冷冰冰的科技外观,采用更具亲和性的卡通设计,使产品形象上也具有温暖的特性; 三、创新理念:在某一个险情灾害的现场,在某一栋繁忙的写字楼中,在荒野的某一段路上,"凡"外卖机器人能够带给你最贴心的温暖,无论你身处何处,总能感受到社会的温暖。

英文描述 Product introduction: No matter where you are, there are always some people worried about it Product innovation point: 1."FAN" - Fast food robot,takeaway meal delivery robot is not in the traditional sense, the existing technology based design, only through the mobile phone terminal APP set single journey, no matter where you are, it can be served; at the same time, water supply function with automatic add water, fixed-point, self purification of heating. And controllable thermostatic bin design, so that you are when and where, always feel intimate warmth; 2.In appearance, the appearance of cold and cold science and technology, the use of more compatible cartoon design, so that the product image also has a warm characteristics; 3.Innovative idea: in a dangerous disaster scene, in a busy office building, on a road in the wilderness, "FAN" - Fast food robot can bring you the most intimate warmth, wherever you are, you can always feel the warmth of the society.

一是基础标准,强调“设计之技”,包含功能性、美学性、技术性、体验性、可持续性等评价因子; 二是核心标准,强调“设计之道”,包含民生贡献度、产业贡献度和未来贡献度等评价因子; 三是顶层标准,强调“设计之力”,包含社会影响力、行业示范力等评价因子。




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