Michelin Concours d’Elegance 2050 – Future Classic
米其林汽车设计挑战赛(Michelin Challenge Design)的历史比较悠久,这个始创于 2002 年的赛事目前已经成为交通工具设计大赛中最受关注的赛事。这项国际设计大赛致力于实现技术创新相结合的交通设计方案。每年都能接收到来自世界各地极富创意和想法的设计方案,年轻的大学生也能在此项比赛中崭露头角。
在每年的 11 月份,官方都会为下一年发布设计大赛的主题,然后邀请来自世界各地的资深设计师和行业专家作为评委,冠军不但会享受到重量级的国际认可还会被邀请到第二年的北美车展展示自己的参赛作品。另外,所有获奖团队成员还会拥有一个可以加入到神秘的米其林设计挑战赛在线社区的特权,可以与历届的获奖选手和设计精英近距离交流,这个算得上世界级设计精英朋友圈了。
Design Brief & Deliverables: The 18th Michelin Challenge Design
Entry Portal
Michelin North America, Inc. (“Michelin”) is proud to announce the annual Michelin Challenge Design to celebrate, promote, publicize and give visibility to original creative thinking and innovation in vehicle design. By embracing and supporting design, Michelin aims to establish a closer relationship with the design community, combining technical innovation with transportation design to create vehicles that consumers want to buy and will enjoy driving. Michelin challenges the international design community, individuals, small and large companies and universities, to enthusiastically create innovative and aesthetically pleasing design solutions that will meet the theme requirements of the 18th Michelin Challenge Design.
The 18th Michelin Challenge Design
A prestigious mobility festival in 2050 will celebrate classic vehicles from the year 2025. These vehicles will best represent an important era, a defining time in the history of mobility and automotive design that addressed dramatic changes in mobility models, technologies and societal needs.
Michelin Challenge Design invites you to design a vehicle for the year 2025 that becomes a classic and defines, or represents, this transitional era in automotive design and technology and will win the Michelin Concours d’Elegance 2050. Your design may feature an established brand, or one currently unknown, and is either among the first to feature innovative elements and characteristics, or perhaps the last to utilize certain technologies.
Your entry should clearly present the compelling visual story behind your vehicle. What makes it distinct and collectible? What makes it a classic? Does it stand as the pinnacle of 140 years of vehicle design or signal a complete break with the past?
Timeless 永恒的
Iconic 标志性的
Future Classic 未来的经典
Distinctive 独特的
Groundbreaking 开创性的
OEM design studios OEM设计工作室
Independent design studios 独立设计工作室
Individual designers 个人设计师
Academic Transportation Design students and teams 交通设计学生和团队
Automotive suppliers 汽车供应商
Relevance to the theme 相关的主题
Concept originality 创意概念
Design value and quality 设计的价值和质量
Developmental potential 发展潜力
Design displayability 表现能力 、显示效果
The 18th Michelin Challenge Design Registration/Entry Form begins September 18, 2017.
Registration and Design Image Submissions
Registration/Entry Form available from September 18, 2017 through March 1, 2018.
Design Image Submission available from September 18, 2017 through March 1, 2018.