展会专题 三星为给 Galaxy S8 造势,联合扎哈事务所开办数字与设计艺术展,这波安利你吃吗?

2017-06-07   6057

三星集团联合扎哈事务所和Universal Everything的数字与设计艺术来展现三星Galaxy S8产品“自由律动”的主题。这个主题在设计,科技和体验的结合之中展现。来访者穿行在由新的装置营造出来的仿真环境中,此装置意在把Galaxy的设计哲学带入到生活中。首创的科技和无缝衔接的几何图形定义了新Galaxy S8。装置引导来访者穿过两个区域,来访者的感觉器官将被这种仿真空间所吸引,完全沉浸在S8的独特体验中。弯曲的屏幕在空间中浮动着相互作用,来访者可以再这样的空间中体验新三星系列的流动性。穿越在数字区域中,你将发掘三星S8的多种革新性能。

Samsung collaborated with Zaha Hadid Architects and digital art and design collective Universal Everything, to present ‘Unconfined’, an installation showcasing the story of the Galaxy S8 that centres on the unity of design, technology and experience. Visitors journey through an immersive environment inspired by the new device, creating digital installations that bring to life the Galaxy design philosophy.Pioneering research and seamless geometries define the new Galaxy S8 and this new exhibition guides visitors through an architectural landscape divided in two different zones; a wholly immersive space that engages the senses, and a collective area to experience the S8’s unique features. Interacting with curved screens that float within space, visitors discover the fluidity of the new Samsung device. Graphics from the new phones are sent to the large screens, surrounding visitors with within a swarm of digital creation before they move to the second zone where the wide variety of the S8 innovative features can be explored.


Architecture & Design :Zaha Hadid Architects

Design :Patrik Schumacher

Project Directors :Charles Walker Johannes Schafelner

Project Architect :Armando Bussey

Project Designers :Tommaso Casucci David Reeves

Team Members :Alessandra Lazzoni ,Katharina Hieger ,Catherine McCann ,John Allan Gallerie ,Sharan Sundar ,Ali Abo Tabik

Project Management :Iris Worldwide

Concept Development :Iris Worldwide

Digital Art :Universal Everything

Construction :Set Square Organic Forms Productions


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